🌜Lunar Eclipse

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Here is the wholesome moon content I promised ✨ I'm sorry for anyone who was left a little upset by the last chapter but onward we go!)

1:00 AM
You spilled everything to moon, everything that had happened leading up to your fall. Tears rolled down your cheeks as he sat silently and patiently listening to you. As you soon grew silent he leaned down planting what seemed like a kiss against your forehead. Your heart fluttered he had never been like this before? Your first time meeting him it was terrifying but he sweet? He let out a soft hum lifting you both up and walking around with you. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that starlight...you didn't deserve it. You have a good heart and she sounds awful..."

You felt the new wave of tears rolling down your cheeks. He consoled you and held you letting you feel safe even in the darkness. Moon hummed softly to himself as he swung around with you.

"How about we do something to get your mind off the bad thoughts? Just focus on me okay?" He gently set you down offering his hand to you. You carefully take his hand as he wraps a arm around your waist pulling you close to him as he began to play a song over his speakers. "Oh don't you dare look back" he started to dance around with you as he sang the lyrics. He was quick but helped guide your steps to follow along. "Just keep your eyes on me" I knew the song it was a bit overplayed but it was nice to hear him sing. His voice still held a wonderful melody. "I know your holding back" the next lyric slipped past your lips as you joined in his song "Shut up and dance with me" He let out a laugh as the song played out as you both danced around laughing and singing in bliss. You noticed looking up at the top of the daycare. Glow in the dark stars. They shone beautifully on the two of you.

As the music died down, moon pulled you in close staring into your eyes before brushing a hand gingerly across your cheek "your so beautiful starlight" a flush spread across your cheeks as you couldn't hold back your giggles. It was so perfect. You brushed off the bad feelings. You were falling I love with a animatronic, but he's the kindest sweetest thing you've ever met. He treated you like a person. Something you've always wished for

Moon broke you out of your thoughts by pressing his 'lips' against yours. The cold metal felt warm it felt like heaven in one moment you kissed back. Your heart racing as you wrapped your arms around him. The kiss seemed to last forever before he pulled away. Looking at you in adoration. "Our perfect little starlight" you heard suns voice overlap moons. They both were their. One in the same for the one person they had ever felt like this before towards. "If it's both of you?...what do I call you?"

"Eclipse" he spoke softly as you watched moon slowly come back. Moon again picked you up princess style carrying you up to the tower. He started to pick things up and get the bed set up for you "Starlight..." his voice trailed off as he lifted your phone that had been spammed with notifications. From several people one including your boss. You slowly took your phone from him scrolling through the various messages your heart stopping as you got to the message from your boss. It was bittersweet.

'Hey! We got a email from your mother who seemed worried about you! I remember you mentioning that you didn't want her to know about your work life so don't worry I didn't say anything! We have noticed you haven't left however. If you've found a place to sleep in the mall that's alright! We care about our employees- however the events of today have worried me. The kids were very scared when the daycare security guard fell from the tower. The daycare attendant thankfully is programmed to handle injuries so when your getting this you've most likely woken up still in the daycare! As not only your boss but as a friend. I'm worried about your mental health y/n I'm being serious. You staying in the mall at night is fine. Please take care of yourself.

You were glad to know your boss somewhat cared about you. Embarrassed that they knew you had been sleeping in the mall, but hey. At least you knew that you didn't have to go home. Moon looked at you worriedly slowly turning his head "Darling? Are you alright?..." your heart hurt. You wanted to feel safe as you quietly walked over to the bed moon had set up for you. Moon followed you along his expression of worry only grew in your silence. You slowly laid down curling up in the various blankets. He curled around you pulling you close to himself. Nuzzling against you to let you feel his comfort. "It's okay darling...your okay just focus on me. Focus on now. Your safe darling. Safe in my arms. I won't let anyone hurt you...I promise my dear starlight. I will protect you and keep you in my arms away from those who've hurt you." His words twirled in your mind and seemed to overwhelm the bad thoughts your mind slowly clearing to peace and bliss as he ran his fingers through your head. A soft lullaby seemed to play over his speaker.

Tugging your mind into sleep. You felt so tired as you leaned into him your body giving out. Moon gave a soft sigh as he felt you drift off to sleep. He had so many things running through his head he was afraid he might over heat. You were so fragile, soft. Impressionable. He felt his guilt deep in his circuits. He scared you.

"My precious star, I promise you as long as I'm here, no one will ever hurt you again. I'll protect you. We will protect you. Let your worries and fears melt away starlight. Dream a peaceful dream and escape in the bliss you desperately need. I'm so sorry y/n"

Half asleep you responded quietly as you turned over snuggling into his chest "I forgive you moony..." you spoke softly as you slowly drifted off into sleep.

(Here is the soft moon content I promised and now the boy understands not to go scary mode 😂 he has caught feelings hard! Also if you have any suggestions for the story please leave them in the comments I'd love to include things you'd like to read!

Anyway take care of yourself! I love y'all and make sure to stay okay out there! 💕🌚🌞)

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