🌚 Lost in the Dark

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Alright buckle up boi's girls non binary folks and everyone in between! We getting into more story here! Warnings of mentions of manipulation, dark themes and this chapter will get dark please take caution if you are sensitive to that! Take care of yourselves and enjoy)

You had just finished up cleaning up the last table in the daycare when you glanced at the time. Shit! You needed to go see what Vanny wanted. You didn't want to but you weren't sure you wanted to see what she'd do if you just skipped out. You slowly make your way out of the daycare while sunrise was working on setting things up for the next day. You had told him that you had something to do but didn't specify what it was. Slowly making your way back into the mall it was eerily quiet. You carefully walk through the building as you notice the S.T.A.F.F bots patrolling the building each one making sure to cover every section they could. Making your way to the fazer blaster game. You head inside the colorful walls and sights and sounds were enough to give you a headache.

You made your way into the game looking around for Vanessa. Any sight of her anywhere as you wandered around. You never picked up the blaster as you had no reason to. You didn't come to play you came to find her. You rounded a corner to be met face to face with a bunny? There are no bunny animatronics this one was pale and patchwork looking. It was a handmade costume as a familiar voice called out from under the mask "You made it y/n! Follow me" You nervously follow the rabbit as she leads you to a hidden away part of the mall. It seemed like a smaller bedroom is what it looked like. She lived here too? She pulled up a chair and offered you to sit down in front of the monitor she had set up. Dozens of small screens as you sat down looking up at it "what is the surprise Vane- Vanny?" She let out a soft giggle standing behind you. She spoke but whatever she was speaking to wasn't you "She's here"

The screens twisted and contorted in front of you each one shifting and changing forming into another rabbit this one looked older. Broken. It's purple eyes staring into yours as if it wasn't a screen between you two. You squirmed uncomfortably in your seat this was getting scarier and scarier by the minute. When it spoke it's voice was soft. Not what you were expecting. It sounded like a male, he had a soft voice with a accent that almost made him sound British. "Wonderful Vanny, you do not disappoint. Dear dear y/n look at you and how fragile you look. So sad so so sad." Feeling embarrassed you looked away. Was this thing pitying you? You didn't have long to think about it as the voice rang out again. "Ah ah ah look at me dear." Your eyes slowly made their way back to him. Making eye contact through the screen. Your heart hammered in your chest you didn't like this at all but you were pinned in position as Vanny loomed behind you. "Good girl. You obey. That will help you. Now relax." Sitting back in the chair you tried your best to slowly gather your thoughts and calm yourself down. You didn't know why you wanted to listen to him. Your vision growing blurry and things around you seemed to fade away till you where standing in front of that thing. The rabbit staring at you making paces around you. His voice seemed to come from every direction even echoing in your mind. "Y/N dear you give in quick don't you? So weak and frail, you get hurt by everyone. It's sad is it not? Don't you want more?" You felt sick you knew you weren't that strong but hearing him taunt you hurt. You could do nothing but stand there in his presence.

"I can give you more dear, make you stronger, unstoppable, powerful" His words caught your attention. That's all you could think about after all as he had gotten you right where he wanted you. You didn't know what was going on as he stepped toward you and let out a low chuckle "y/n wouldn't you like to finally show your mother who she's hurting? Show her the same pain she's shown you for years? Or your family? The place you've felt forgotten left behind, abused, abandoned?" Tears welled up in your eyes as he wasn't wrong. You were angry you felt the anger bubble deep inside you clenched your fists. You wanted to make them hurt. The guilt laced your thoughts did you want to hurt them or did you just want it to stop? Hurting people was bad you couldn't do that. You can't...you can. "That's it y/n you know you've wanted to." He put something in your hand and closed it around the object. Your eyes slowly trailed to the object it was a knife. You were met with your reflection. You were smiling it was so unsettling it was one of pure glee your eyes looked crazed. Bags under your eyes showing just how much you needed to sleep. You dropped the weapon backing up in horror. This wasn't you! That wasn't you! "Stop it! Stop it! I don't hurt people! I just wanted it to stop I'd never hurt them!"
You shouted at this man. This monster. You didn't want this what was he doing to you as you closed your eyes shaking your head "GO AWAY!" You shouted tears rolling down your cheeks as you slowly opened your eyes you were met with the various monitors, Vanny was gone. You quickly stood up your heart was racing. What just happened.

You quickly ran out of Fazer Blast and made your way to the daycare running as fast as your legs would take you. The world around you twisting and turning was any of this real? You made your way to the slide harshly shoving yourself down into the ball pit crawling back out onto the floor. You were a shaky mess barely able to call out to sun. "sun...sunny please..." you felt your words choke in your throat as hot tears rolled down your cheeks you curled up hugging your knees your chest.

Bad feelings swelling in your stomach, guilt, anger, sadness. The world felt so heavy around you as you heard it the soft twinkle of his bells on his costume as Sun rushed over to you picking you up and holding you "Sunshine! Oh no no shhh shh sunshine it's okay, don't cry please don't cry!" You cling onto the animatronic for comfort everything felt so wrong. You could hardly muster any words as he rocked you in his arms keeping you close to him. His eyes shifted a bit to what looked like a sunset the red and blue blending to a beautiful sky color. "Darling, what happened?..." Eclipse, moon had apparently overheard your breakdown as they sat with you on the floor holding you close as the night passed by. Making sure not to leave your side. After a while in their embrace you started to fall asleep. Slipping into the comfort of sleep.

"Who ever caused you to feel like this..won't be seeing the sun anymore..."

(B a m another chapter for you guys! I'm actually gonna be working again soon so I'll be posting chapters more often in the mornings! But late night chapters will still pop up so just keep a eye out! I hope you guys like this one and take care of yourselves! 🥺🌚🌞💕)

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