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As the sun set on its final horizon , Birds were seen flying all over the vivid sky . The magic hour had just ended and the blue hour had just begun . Ash had made his way to the entrance of his former second home . He didn't know if Professor would identify him or not , but seeing their face after a long time would at least make him satisfied .

"Hello . "

"Do I know you ? " asked Professor Kukui to Ash .

This line set his confidence shatter . He knew this would happen , but a little part of his heart believed that they will recognize him immediately . He gasped at his own words in front of his teacher . Ash never fumbled when he took a talk with someone unknown . He was confident and always eager to be the very best at whatever he was doing . And Prof. Kukui had taught him that .

"Excuse me ? Do I know you ? " asked Prof. Kukui once again with confusion .

"Not Probably sir . But I actually needed a favor of you . " said Ash keeping his head straight .

"Uhh . . . Okay . Say it and I will let you know if I can fulfill it . " said Prof Kukui keeping a firm tone as he was talking to a stranger .

"The clouds are turning in fast . There is no Lounge or Hotel nearby . Could I stay at yours ? " asked Ash as he  bowed making a humble request to the Kukuis .

"Uhem . . .Okay . Just for tonight , You can make yourself at ease in the guest room . " said Prof Kukui with a tinge of reluctance .

"Thank You very much sir . I am very grateful ." 

Ash made his way to the guest room following Kukui . He kept his short backpack and rested on the bed . 

"Long time since here . It's too good ."

Ash reminisced his memories while looking up at the wooden house he once stayed for an entire year . He couldn't help but shed a few tears looking outside the window . He still remembered he took Most of his Alolan Pokémon with him for World Coronation series .

Wait Most .

Who did he left here ? 

" Purr Purr ... " came a sound upstairs .

Of course , he left Rowlet , who felt uncomfortable to go in a pokeball after a long while . He respected his decision and made him stay with the Kukuis .

 He respected his decision and made him stay with the Kukuis

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[ Honestly , Rowlet is my favorite Alolan starter . and Given the fact .... its so Kawaii ..(author faints) ]

Ash wanted to see Rowlet once again . He didn't know if his friend remembered him , but a little glance at him would make him happy once more .  As the guest room was in the basement , he headed upstairs . 

"Purr Purr . . ." 

"Come on Rowlet , have some food . " said Prof Kukui while feeding his favorite nuts to him . 

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