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 " What's not better than the Home ground ?  "

"Certainly you have grown so much . Long time since I saw you " said the Pewter City Gym Leader .

" Yeah Brock ! Its been long . Thanks for the tea . How are you doing ? " 

"I just got the request letter of the position of Elite Four in the Kanto League . " said Brock while sipping his cup instead .

" Oh ! That's quite some feat . Elite four - you mean you are ranked amongst the strongest 4 in whole Kanto . " 

"Yeah Gary ! I am too excited for this position too . Although I would try to be a world Class Pokémon Doctor first . All Nurse Joys are waiting for me . " Brock shouted with excitement .

"Anyways , How did you remember me ? " asked Brock .

" I was just passing through Vermillion city , and thought why not visit the first gym too . " gary answered .

" mmhm . Anyways how is misty doing ? She is reading in the same academy right ? " He asked .

" yeah , although she is in a different section . She has made quite some friends . She is doing good . " Gary replied with assurance .

"Hey Brock , do you know anything of the current rank 15 Red Tenzo ? " asked Gary .

"Red Tenzo hmm . Oh yeah , the budding star who defeated Steven . The other day Misty was saying how he totally overwhelmed The Hoenn Champion . yeah what about it ? " said Brock.

" I can't help think , but It somehow feels that Red Tenzo is somewhat related to me . He has a familiar aura , rather like a family like smell . " said Gary .

" He is a mystery trainer . Maybe the underdog of the tournament . But what makes you feel he is close ? " asked Brock . 

"Tell me Brock , how did we become friends ? You , Misty and a certain other were travelling along with him on his way to the Kanto League . " replied Gary while ascertaining his eyes on Brock .

" Now that you mention it , I also can't remember the person I used to travel with other than Misty . " Brock told .

" Hmm . Tell me , Does this name brings you back memories ? " Ash Ketchum " ? " asked Gary .

" Ash Ketchum , huh ! " 

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" You can do it ! Pokémon Doctor Brock . "

" Pokémon Master Ash !  You can too ! "

" Yes  !! "

"Ahh  ! My head hurts . " replied Brock .

" Kay no problem Brock . Anyways I should get going !  Grandpa must be waiting . " said Gary .

" Yeah kay . Come here whenever you want . give my respects to Prof Oak as well . " replied Brock , as they both did a handshake again .

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