🌼🌧-His eyes- 🌧🌼

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In this Au Russia and America have a really bad relationship and hate each other more than ever.
I'm not sure if this is also in rl ,but lets just pretend. :>

No ones Pov:

,,MOTHERFUCKER,WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN ASSHOLE?" America screams at Russia.,,ME?YOU'RE THE MOTHERFUCKER HERE,ALWAYS PRETENDING TO BE THE BEST AND TRYING TO STEAL MY OIL.LOOK HOW MISERABLE YOU LOOK UNITED SHIT OF AMERICA.CAPITALISTIC PIG"Russia screams back.The room was filled with them screaming names at each other.The other countrys were already used to it ,but it being so loud they just couldn't ignore them.

Spain rolled his eyes and looks over to the white hanging clock on the wall.

The youngest country of europe Kosovo glared at Serbia,Serbia snorts.

Ungarn eats his sandwich and enjoys the show,while Sweden falls asleep.

Canada hugges his maple syrup.

All the other countries watch silently.

China waits for something bad to happen ,but in a split second a whole nother war broke out.

Russia was punching USA in the guts,hitting him hard and USA pulled Russias Ushanka off and then proceeded to pull his hair as much as he could.

All the countries stared in shock as Russia grabed Americas glasses and threw them away.America gave his final punch and ran out of the big room,covering his eyes.China ran behind him and followed him afterwards.Ukraine helped Russia stand up and calmed him down.

USA's(America's) Pov:

Shit.He threw my glasses away,I need to run out lf this room as soon as possible.I punched Russia really hard and almost fell over my own legs but managed to hold myself.

I straight up ran to the toilets and locked myself in it.Slowly I slide down the wall and start to cry.Nobody can find out my secret,nobody can see how ugly these eyes really are and how pathetic I am.As I drown in my own toughts ,I hear a soft knock coming from the outside door.Please,don't be Russia!How does he even dare to pull off my sunglasses?I mean ,yeah,I did threw away his ushanka ,but it is HIS FAULT.

O-Or maybe it's mine...,it is mine.I should just burry myself and let fo of this world.

,,Hey Ame,it's me China.Please let me in."says the person outside.What an angelic voice,how much I love hearing it.I could listen to it the whole day long.,,Y-Yeah,you can come in,but just be warned I don't have my glasses on."I tell him.He opens the door ,locks it and sits in front of me.,,Hey,let me see those beautiful eyes of yours."he whispers while stroking my hands.,,You'll be disgusted by them..."I warn him.I shakingly remove my arms and open my eyes to be met by shiny golden eyes.Mine are pitch black with a red and blue iris inside white pupils.

China gasped and I immediately knew ,he hates them.

,,It's allright if you hate them.I hate them too"he grabs my chin and kisses me.We melt into the kiss and it gets passionately.He stops after some seconds and kisses my cheek.,,Your eyes are special and beautiful,don't ever think otherwise."I weakly smile at him and we hug.
He grabs something out of his pocket and gives me my broken glasses.,,Shit,Soviet U-I mean Russia broke them."I look at them.China stares at me for a while,realises it and quickly looks at the ground:,,Sorry ,but you're just so beautiful."

Trying to hide my blush he grabs my hands and stares me deep in the eyes.,,Now lets get back idiot."

,,Lets just have some fun here~"

China hurriedly grabs my waist and I get myself comfortable ln his lap.

He starts kissing my neck along my collarbone.He suddenly kisses near my sensitive spot and makes me moan a bit.,,That's my sweet spot-"He then bites it hard enough for it to bleed.

Bodies are moving,moans are escaping,tears falling,clothes all wet,

After a while we stop everything and just stare at each other.Such wonderful yellow eyes,they remind me of the metal gold.So warm,yet as cold as ice.Mother nature really tought 'Ima make this man a piece of art' I chuckle at my own joke
,,Why are you laughing.Is there something in my eye?"he asks confused.,,No,No I was just laughing about my own joke."
Then I proceed to hug my.....?Oh,wait we still aren't boyfriends!Might as well ask.

Chinas POV:

As we stare into each others eyes ,I notice that Americas eyes do remember me of something.His right eye(red iris) remembers me of an vulcano,aggresive -but calm.His left eye (blue iris) remembers me of a clear ocean that welcomew everyone with open arms.What outstanding eyes he has,so loving and caring.

Whoever said blue and red cannot combine is a real fool.Red amd blue are such overwhelming colours.

Trying to find more reasons why red and blue are a good combination,America suddenly laughs.,,Why are you laughing?Is there something in my eye "I smile confused."
,,No,No I was just laughing about my own joke" he answers
He then looks me dead in the eyes and asks:,,What are we?Are we boyfriends now?"I tought for a moment ,,I guess so,unless you don't want to.Wanna be my boyfriend?"

He heats up

,,YES! I mean 'yes' I want to be your boyfriend!"he almost yells.What an idiot.My idiot.



Let me know if you want more of this.I may not have so much time to make these chapters,but I'll definitely make more over the weeks.Anyways happy new year!
This year will probably be worse than the last one,but I still hope for good fortune.

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