🌧Panick attack🌧

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Chinas POV:

It's nighttime,where everything lies down and rests itself after a long Day.Where everything should be calm and nature takes it's time.But not now.Now everything is loud,shaking and scary.There is a storm outside and thunderbolts can be heard.Really loud and noisy,not even I can sleep like that.It's not like I'm scared of something like that,I've been throuh worse,but it annoys me pretty much.It's even worse since my lover isn't laying right beside me.He's laying in the guest room.Why you ask?Well,we've gotten into a little fight,wich led to him refusing to sleep with me.I didn't want to force him into sleeping with me,so I let him do what he wants.But without him it gets so lonely here.We would usually talk at these times and he would entertain me with his dumb jokes and the little stories he comes up with.

I sigh and roll myself endlessly on my king siced bed.Suddenly I hear a creak ,wich must be my door,and turn to face the person standing beside the door frame.America.My little happy sundflower.But right now he doesn't look like a happy sundflower.His face is puffy,red cheeks with tears streaming down his beautiful face.Eyes squinting and shivering strong.Breathing heavily staring at me horrified and scared at the same time.Eyes wide open scratching his neck aggresivly,almost making it bleed.

He's having a panic attack.

I sit up and mention for him to sit on my lap,he runs up to me like a child seeking his dad.He higs me thigtly and I push him closer to me.He cries into my shoulder,mumbeling some random words.I can hear out some of them tho'.
For example;

,,I'm sorry"

,,Forgive me"

,,It's all my fault"




Pretty much these things.I rub his back and tell him jow everything is alright now and how he's the best pwrson on the world.Praising him,knowing fully well he loves being praised,kissing him on his neck,forming circles on his back and petting him.

He slowely stopps sniffing so much and his heartbeat slowers itself.He finally looks up at me and I can see how much hurt his eyes carry.The lighting outside must have triggered something inside him.I'm so dumb for letting him in that guest room.

,,I'm so sorry my love,everything is alright,calm down."

He breathes slowely.

,,Exactly,breath in and breath out.Inhale then exhale.You're doing it great, darling."

He eventually falls asleep after some time,wich I only noticed when he wasn't crying anymore and soft snores were coming from him.I placed him down and embraced him.He's so beautiful,I wonder if he even knows that?



Hello my dear friends,
You all probably know by now that there's whole war going on in Ukrain.(Russia invading them)I'm incredible sorry for all the people that have to flee out of their honecountry and stay at another one ,like Poland or Rumania.I don't know how something like that feels, since I also don't live in my homecountry,but in a safer one.I know how it feels to be seperated by your loved ones and how you want to go back to your country ,but you all must stay strong!This hell will definitely be over soon and there are a lot of charitys helping Ukrain and countries providing it with war supplies/food/water/clothes for the people there hiding in their bunkers.I just really hope this ends very soon.It remind me of so many bad things,that I don't wanna be reminded of.Anyway,Russia or Ukrain,War is fucking hell.It destroys people and their sanity,trust me ,I know what I'm speaking of.No matter who started and what the reason was,war was and is never a solution.Stay safe people and hope for the best.🙁

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