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No ones POV:

Everybody in the building was screaming and arguing.So many voices,so many complains.Why are they all screaming is probably your question.I'm not blaming you tough.

It is one of these days where all of the countries around the world sit in a big bulding,in a big room.So many nationalitys and opinions.It smelled like so many things.

Germanys beer,Frances baguette,Great Britains tea,Russias vodka,Americas cookies,Canadas maple syrup,Ukrains flowers,Mexicos tortillas,Indias nee slippers,Japans new manga edition,Albanias baklava,Austrias dog and more.

This has basically become a routine between the countries,but not everybody agrees to this new change in matter of facts it was simply America and China.They both hated the new system.Yes,America likes it when people scream at each other and when drama happens,but now the countries were always screaming about the same topics. Earth,Wealth,Corona and more boring ones.Even tho at the very biginning, it was actually pretty intertaining to watch this ,but in a matter of fact,nobody can stand people scremaing at each other for dumb reasons for 24/7.

Another reason is that in the old times,before this whole competition happend China and America unsed to then go home ,do their work and then have a little 'fun'.But now they had to stay here at a more annoying place and hear out how every country tries to look good in front of everybody ,but end up in killing themselfs metally.How dumb ,right?

China hates not see America in his sight.He loves taking care of him and treating him when nobodys around,especially having 'fun' with him.His ears are a little sensitiv and hurt after so many loud shouts,of course he loves hearing America shout out his name in pleasure, but the other country are just annoying him.The russian one seems to be really loud ,but the german tops him.Not the first time ig.China hated the shouting from the beginning,not like America.It's second hand embarrassment for the other countrys.Not touching his Ame makes China completly insane,that for 3-5 hours a day!These time are really hard for him,sometimes you can even see the sweatdrops forming on his forehead from the thick heat clouding the room.So much anger,it needs to leave.Most of the time America texts China or when that isn't possible he starts a fight withe the other countrys or Mexico.

Mexico:,,Dammit America,shut up will ya'?"

America:,,No and you know what I am going to kick your spanish ass back to Mexico."

Mexico:,,You're so bad at geography,that you don't even know where to kick me ,becouse you don't know where Mexico is.You don't even know where your own country is."

America:,,Take that back you Tortillas eating country!"

Mexico:,,I will take that back ,when you stop drinking three up to five bottels of coca cola a week.


Mexico:,,Fat ass pig,bro start going on a diet."

Russia:,,Yeah,he's right,you should really take a diet America,if you don't then one day you might even become bigger then me!

Kazhastan:,,Mc Donalds eating machine."

Bulgaria:,,You're like the trashcan-"

Bulgaria and Luxemburg:,,eating everything,even the rest of it."

America laughed everything off,but on the inside,he felt really hurt by these words.People can be so mean.

China sees that America is feeling uncomfortable now and knows the others said something about him.

As everybody sits down,he can see a tear slide down Americas cheek,but Ame quickly washes it off and puts on a smile.China has enough,he stand up and goes to America.

,,Stop harrasing him and mind your own business."he says in a deep voice.America is shocked at Chins action ,but likes how he stand up for America.Everyone goes out of their way and canada who wa ssitting beside America,now sat on Chinas place,beside Ukrain.

,,Thanks" America whispers.He grabs
Chinas Hand and holds it.China smirks under his mask and squezzes Ames Hand a bit.America blushes a bit and bites his bottom lip under his mask.



Hope you like all the fluff stuff I'm making

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