🌼Nobody can hurt you🌧

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Americas pov

I was standing inside the big House,it belongs to Japan.One of my best friends.He invited me over,since hes was throwing a big party there.Of course I had to agree to that,I mean I am a very social person or in other words an extrovert.I did ask China if he wanted to come too,but he's an introvert.He hates meeting new people and only leaves his house to visit his home country,me or when we have a meeting.Back to Japan,he's a really chill dude and loves showing me his mangas,wich I always buy from him.Somehow they are really good,really a lot of people read them!In return I give him my romans and movies.H eloves my movies and I love his mangas.A good deal ,right?

The House was full with people having fun,making drink contests and fighting each other for fun.But somehow I felt a hole grow in my chest,probably of China.I'm always with him,it's such a strange feeling without him.I already miss that asian country.I felt uncomfortable,maybe I should just try to make friends.So many humans are surrounding me ,but none of them care about me.Suddenly I feel a really cold liquid run down my skin, it smelled like strong alcohol.I immediately shrug and turn around.It being a human glaring at me,he was about the same height as me and had light skin,wearing black only,wearing a white collar and smeeling harshly bad.He had red curely hair with white tips.Eyes green ,similar to wet grass.

What I didn't metion about me is that I ,before talking to a person,stare at them for a good amount of time.I know it's kind of weird ,but yeah.He laughs and screams :,,Well,if it isn't the well known country United states of America.Wow,look at you,what a piece of shit you've become,what a stupid,dumb and useles country you are.Just look what a whore he is,such a slut." he laughs,a lot of people joining him.What a shit talker.I couldn't really say anything,I was frozen in place.I mean I am used to it...,sadly,but this time something just didn' let me move.

slut,whore,useles,piece of shit,stupid,dumb...


6 insults.It burns in my chest ,becouse I know they are true but I hide my feelings and start roasting that roach.

My smile widens and I laugh with them:,,Really good joke bro,now it's my turn.Last year you lost your job and are still living with your mum and her two cats.Not to forget you always go out to beg for money,instead of finding a job ,becouse you're laid-back.No wonder your friends think you're a dissapointment.Also,I earn a million a day,you like two cents.So you better shut up ,dude."

He was gazing at me and scratches his neck while mumbling that what I said wasn't true.I just shake my head and turn away,I should really go now.As I leave the blasting house I get pusshed out of the door frame.The door is smashed closed and the dude looks at me very angry,what he should be.His blood was boiling by now,I must assume.He hits me really hard and runs away,good that I know his address.

I didn't even bother to follow him ,but headed home with a blue eye.


I was doing some work in my office room,feeling lonely and sad.Without my sunshine I cannot be happy in any way,he said he would come in three hours back.So I scrible some of my signature on important formulars.All of a sudden I hear the main door getting open.Why is he so soon back?I hear himcoming to straight award.I was smiling to myself silently.I can already hear him behind my door,now he was gonna break the door for the second time this week and jump into my lap,cuddling onto me like a clingy cat.I almost was used to it and love it,besides from breaking the door.Somehow he hesitates at first and knocks on the door second later.I know it's him,becouse of the smelling alcohol,but it feels like a completly diffrent person was behind that door.Somethin is wrong,definetly.He isn't that polite when he's happy,never.

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