🌧Second Brithday🌧

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(Angst)Yeah,this is more about Americas and Great Britains relationship.Idk why I wanted to do this ,but yeah.

Canadas POV:

It has been months since America ate dinner with us.He's always going somewhere or has something to do.It annoys my dad and mum a lot,but what can you do?America is a rebell and you cannot bring him to behave,he's only himself on that sinfull mind of his.He cares only about himself and is a spoiled brat that always wears glasses.At least that's what the whole world thinks of him.I think completly diffrent!He can be really nice and toughtful,he cares a lot about everything.Yes,sometimes he's a jerk,but only for fun.He makes everyones life a bit lighter and brings fun into it.Sometimes with some problems.But the 4ting with the rebell is true.He has always been a rebell,since the 4 of July.
The day of his independence.The day he turned away from Great Britain and decided it's time for his big outcome.Since that day dad and he have only had beef and never befriended.They decided to keep it a secret from everyone besides our family.Only our family knows how much these two countries despide each other.America always throws away Britains tea and Britain rips Americas comics.As if they were children.But on the outside they behave just like father and son should.Lovely,nice to each other and not to forget helping out the other.
It almost came out when world war two happend,but luckly they could hide it pretty good.It's really hard to live with them that way,especially becouse they scream 24/7.They do it everytime they get the chance.No matter how dumb and small it is.Nobody gives in ,but that one day they did.That one day they gave in and behaved normal at home for a whole month.What happend between them that day is probably your question.Well,it was not just a normal day.It was on Americas last independence day.I can remember everything so clearly.On that day everyone found out that America had hid something from us this whole time now.Something big.On this day some of our friends also realised it.


I was preparing some decorations for Americas independence day.We call it his second birthday,becouse saying the whole word is a waste of time,it really is.Some of our friends helped us do all the deco,but some things sadly went wrong.Instead of the American flag,Staycey ordered the Great Britain flag,accidentally.And instead of good old coca cola ,we've got tea.We tried our best at making the decoration look perfect beside the huge Britain flag and the tea.Hopefully it'll go fine.

,,Alright guys,can I already call him over or are we missing anything?" I ask my friends truning my head slightly exspecting to hear a no ,wich I luckly got. ,,Nope,we're not missing anything, so go ahead and call the birthday boy."One of them screamed.The others just nod and sat down on the floor,some excited some a little tired.Then somebody lightly tapped my shoulder.,,Oh hello Mexico, how are ya'?Are you finished with the decoration on the walls and the cake?"
Mexico makes a nervous face when he saw the Britain flag and nods :,,Yea,yeah,I am ,but don't you think we should put away the Britain flag?You know how America feels about Britain..."
I think for a while and answer him:,,You're right Mexico,but America will surely understand that we accidently bought the wrong flag and drinks."After that I turn around to avoid more talking with Mexico.He's worriying me,a lot.Maybe not communicating with him will be good.I take out my phone and dial Americas number.


,,Sup' 'nada!How's life going,how is your lover and how is your country doing?" He asks me immediately.

,,Hey Ame,life is life and thanks asking my lover is great,just as my country.Wanna come over to my place?"

,,Hmmm,yeah why not?Anyway,have you heard about the new Mc Donalds down the street?It's so close!Now I won't have to drive so long anymore!"he tells me.I chuckle and end the call :,,Sorry,haven't heard of that.But see you later!"

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