🌼The club🌧

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Chinas POV:

We ,meaning me and America were at a late night club across the town in my country.America wanted to go to the USA ,his country,but luckly I covinced him not to.So here we are.

,,So what can I get you two today?"
ask a tall but round man in chinese.
,,Uhm,definitely something with alcohol ,bae." Ame answers.
,,One alcoholic drink for him and for me just a simple glas of water and a condom." I tell the guy at the front.He nods smirking.

,,America,you can go over to the tall rounded tables and wait there for me.Do not go anywhere else understand me?"

,,Jeez,I'm not a fucking baby Chin."

,,I asked if you understand me."

,,Oh~your sexy demanding voice.Yeah,yeah no worries I completley understand you,now go back to the front bar I will wait excatly right there."

He points at a lonely table and puts on his glasses.I kiss him on the cheek before he leaves ,he immediately turn red and starts to heat up.
,,Oh,careful there.We don't want you to melt ,do we?"He slightly punches me and pounds.Then he goes over to the table and stands there alone.I go back to the front bar and ask the bar tender in chinese :,,Are you finished?" ,,Yes,here and have fun"he says laughingly ,shoving the condome to my hands.I give him a slight smile and take our drinks.

As I'm arriving I can see America already on his phone,but then he sees me .He puts his phone back into his jackets pocket and winks to me.Tapping the out of wood made table in a tact.,,Here is your alcoholic drink."

,,Thanks ig."As we drink ,I feel the need to realese myself.,,Hey Ame,I will go to the bathroom for a second.Wait here for me ,alright?"I ask him.

"Okey ,but be fast I think these guys over there have been staring at me at least for the last 15 minutes."

,,Yeah,I noticed that.If they come near ,then just go away from them"


Americas POV:

China went to find a bathroom,while I waited for him.I slowely smell a bit of my drink.It smells heavily like alcohol,just like what I wanted.I drink a bit of it as the bruning liquid enters my mouth and gets swallowed.Standing there the man siting on the vouch over there comes to me.,,Hello cutie"
,,Sorry,I already have a man"I tell him cold.,,I know,but I'm much better don't you think?"
,,Yeah,no dude.Fuck off"

Suddenly he grabs me by my torso and then leans me down.I kick him in his private area and straight fall to the ground.Trying to stand up he sits on me ,turns me around and sits on my back. Unsuccsesfully hiting around me and moving agressive.He pulls something out of his pocket ,takes my drink and puts a pill into it.Then he again turns me around and grabs my face hard.He squints my face and forces me to drink the pill.He closes my mouth and I had no other choice than to gulp it down and to wait till China comes back.

After that,my voice gets really dry.
,,Whaaat did you doooo you awsssswholee?" I ask him in a raspy voice.

,,No worries you whore.You will get a big suprise.Now shut up."

Chinas POV:

I got out of the WC and walked hurriedly down the hall to the main room,where I saw a random guy draging America across the floor.
Angrily I ran to him and punched him hard in his face.He quickly let ho of America and grabed his face.His nose is probably broken now.

He growled in pain and screamed:,,YOU ASSHOLE!"After that he stutterly ran out of the bar.

I looked down to America ,,Hello Chinchin,I loVe yOu sO mUcH baE-HeY Do YoU knOw wHo tHaT gUY waaaassss?He pUt soMethinG in my drinkiny pinky.Oh-wHy dO yOu hAvE threE heAds?I wanNA kiSS 'Em AlL"
(quote from helluva boss)
He giggles grabing my face harshly kissing it.'Why did I fall in love with him again?' I ask myself smiling trough the kiss.

He passes out and I bring both of us back to our home.



Just so you know the pill was just a sleeping pill to make Ame pass out

Hope you liked this chapter lovelys
No matter what is happening right now,I'm really proud of all of you babes.

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