Valentines day🌼

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Americas POV:

I am walking trough the mall,trying on clothes,buying food and more.You know,just doing things I usually do when I'm in the mall.To be honest this mall is kinda bigger and had so much space in it that you could sping around like crazy and hit nobody.Well,even if it is a big mall,I just couldn't find anything for my boyfriend.He loves pandas🐼 ,at least that's what I think.I always see him playing with them in his own zoo,yes my boyfriend bought himself an own zoo,do not ask why.He doesn't let me touch them often,I mean I understand him,but damm bro,I wanna touch their fluffly fur too!

I need to get him something panda related,maybe a golden neclace with a shaped Pearl×Rose Quartz Panda on it?Would be a perfect gift for his birthday.I'm such a great boyfriend.

As I am giving my order they tell me it's going to be 239.555 $.They look at me unbelieveable and not sure if I really mean it.I manage to crack a smile ,even tough I am beyond angry at them.,,Yes,could you also add diomonds to the pandas eyes and three ,each beside the panda."
They just nod but inside I already know they're feeling uncomfortable,wich I didn't mean to do,so I give them a tip of 75 $.Hopefully they are happy now and just forget what I just did.

Anyways I pack the neclace up and am so excited to see his reaction.Oh,I bet he will be so happy!

<<<<<<<some time later<><<<<<<<<

I ran to our big house ,almost tripping 'couse of excitment.
I burst in and hear China groaning :,,Good day to you too Ching chong."

,,You know I hate that Nickname you gave me United states of america."

,,Ugh,you know exactly that you can call me America or something like that ya' know?"

,,Whatever ,I will call you murci."

"Hmmm,alright weird name I guess,but if you want to than ok?Anyways,I got you this!"

I reached into my pocket and gave him a little box.He took it curiously and stared at me.,,Is it a bomb?"
,,What-NO,why do you-?Ugh,no.It's something even better!"

,,A nuclear bomb?"

,,...Just open the damm box!"

,,Alright"is the only thing I hear.

He opens the little box and sees the neclace with the little panda on it.

,,Oh my dear lord-,idk what to say murci,t-that's beautiful.Thank you."he tells me and hugs me afterwards.
,,Oh ,and I also have something for you,wait here he tellls me"

He goes upstairs and comes down with a tiny box.Omg,what is it going to be?He hands it to me and I open it.IT'S A RING,WHIT MY FLAG AND HIS COMBINED!"

"Jesus bro-How could you?HOW COULD YOU BE SO CUTE!"

I scream hungging him,he embraces me in a big hug.

We both wear the gifts we gave each other.



Hope this chapter was good.Make some requests if you want!Would love to hear 'em!A fact is that Valintines day should be wvery day and you should appreciate your family.(if they are nice to you)

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