🇨🇳Dumb stuff🇺🇲

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America:,,Hey Chinchin."


America:,,Meanis have little pinis.

China:,,I mean you're not wron-


China:,,Ame,could you please let me go?"

America cuddling with China ,sitting on his lap on the couch:,,Do I look like Ima do that?"


America:,,I love you"

China:,,Thx,I love myself too."



China:,,Ugh,Ame,babe,what in jesus name are you watching?"

America:,,Two indians building a house out of bambus."

China:,,What the actual fuc-"


America almost fell down the stairs ,but China catches him at the right time.

America:,,OH~Ching chong, I guess I fell for you."


Lets him go.



China:,,You're a dumbass"
(In chinese)

America who learned a bit chinese ,thinking it means something nice.

America:,,Ow~Chinchin you're so cute,thx."

China:*visible confusion*


America on phone :,,I HATE YOU"

China tiredly:,,Yeah,I love you too."


*America being angry at China for something*

China:,,Please forgive me!"


China:,,I brough food"

America:,, ... "

America:,,What did you bring?"

China:,,Mc Donalds."

America:,,I forgive you."

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