🫀Straight from hell🫀

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Chinas POV:

I was sitting in a red circle and reading out loud the words in the book.It was in traditional chinese mixed with quotes of the latin language.It wasn't so hard for me to read it tho'.The only problem I have is that I really don't know if this is fake or real,simply becouse I've tried thousend of spells,but none of them worked nor did the ones Japan or Korea gave me.So I went to one of my hidden forests and found an interesting scroll.It was tied in a golden ribbon.The scroll seemed pretty old and out of pure curiosity I took it home.I extra emptied my room for this,wich means I shoved everything out of the way to let enough place for the beast.

Now here I am,trying to summon something,maybe a devil?Idk.It says that this "thing" will serve you untill you do not need it or don't want it anymore.

While rumbeling on with these confusing words the red circel atound me lights up and the practically empty room fills up with black some mixed with red and blue glitter.I immediately cough qnd squint my eyes,seeing a figure wich is at least a little smaller than me stand in front of me.He had blond hair,red horns,aread tail with a pointy end,sharp nails and sunglasses.A simple black t-shirt ans some sweat pants,black shoes and black eyebags taht you could notice even under his black sunglasses.

I stare at him while he titels his head then moves it back on its place.

,,Hail Master,I'm from now on your personal demon.You can wish whatevee you want and I'll do it.You can call me the United states of America."

I bend over the book and flip another page...Seeing him on it,with all the describtion.

,,As you see on that page,you have full control over me and I'll protect you no matter what.Also,if you have any questions about this,you can either read it in the book or ask me."

I blankly stare at him,the silence so awkward and breath taking.

,,Y-You are a demon?"I ask,cursing my stuttering.

,,Yes,master.It stand in the book and by my look I seems to be one."

I nod and quietly close the book laying it on the shelf.

,,Well,so-how does this exactly work now?Am i going to hell after this."

The demon stotels his head in confusion and burst out in laugher.As he wipes away a single tear of joy:,,N-No,you won't!I'm not a bad demon,I'm more like the normal normal and kind of special ones!"

He answers me.I think for a minute:,,So are you from hell or not?"

He turn his head away and looks at the ground:,,Hmmm..."

,,It's alright if you don't want to talk about it.Not everyone is comfortable to talk about something like that,and that's ok."I resure him that he doesn't need to tell me and Is tart making my requests.
Just some hours after I fall into my bead,tired and happy with how my day started and ended.My eyelids smowely get heavier and I vent into my dreamworld,but before that hapoend somebody knocked on the door.

,,Could I come in for a moment,master?"

,,Yes,you can,but please just call me China."
He opends my white wooded door and enters the silent room with a loud step.

,,Master,I mean China,where should I sleep?"

He asks me.

,,Well,can't you just make a second room for yourself somewher ein the house and sleep?Do demons even nees sleep?"

,,No,demons do not usually sleep,but when they're overused they need rest.Second I would build myself a room up,but I've already used my power for other things and cannot use it anymore."

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