Chapter 1

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10 years ago


That's all you could feel as you rushed down the crowded sidewalk.

'Has it always been this busy at this time?', you thought to yourself as you weaved through the crowd.

This isn't the first time you were late for practice, but it was the first time you were this late. Seeing as the previous night you stayed up to try and perfect the one move you had been struggling with all week, it completely slipped your mind to set your alarm for the next morning.

Finally making it to the coffee shop you stop at every morning, you sigh in relief when you notice the line isn't long. Making your way into the line, you can't help but notice a pair of eyes on you. Deciding to ignore it, you quickly make it to the front of the line.

"I thought you weren't stopping by today. Got a little nervous thinking something had happened to you, sweetie." The woman who always took your order softly smiled at you. Her smile always made your morning.

"Woke up a little later than usual. I got so caught up with work that I forgot to set my alarm." You smile sheepishly as you explain to her. You can't seem to shake the feeling from earlier of someone watching you.

After you pay for you order, you decide to sit at a table outside since the weather is beautiful. Looking at your phone for the time, you curse under your breath. There's no reason to even bother showing up at this point. You'd just have to call your partner and apologize.

A cup of coffee is placed on your table. You're about to look up and thank the woman but quickly realize it's not her when another cup is placed across from you. Confusion is evident on your face when you finally make eye contact with the person.

"Sorry! I don't mean to be weird but do you mind if I sit here? It's a little crowded inside." The man standing in front of you might just be the most beautiful human you've ever seen. He seems nervous while asking to join you, and that makes him seem so much cuter that he looks. If you had seen him not being a nervous mess, you might've been intimidated. Not only is he tall and handsome, but, he has tattoos that peek through his shirt and he's dressed in black head to toe. So, why wasn't he intimidating?

As you continue looking at him without responding, he speaks up again while grabbing his cup off your table.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! I don't even know why I asked. You must be so creeped out! I'll go-", He starts rambling. You snap out of your daze and quickly shake your head while reaching a hand out.

"No! I mean- yes, you can sit here! No, you didn't make me uncomfortable. I'm not creeped out!" You try to reassure him. He looks at you with wide eyes.

Both of you stare at each other for a few seconds before you realize you're still holding onto his arm. Quickly, you let go and settle back into your seat. You motion him to sit across from you.

"O-oh! Yes! Thank you so much. I'm sorry-", He tried to continue. You raise a hand to stop him from talking. A smile creeps onto your face.

"Please stop apologizing about something you don't have to apologize for. You're more than welcome to sit here but I do have a question."

"O-of course. What's the question?" He leans forward a bit to show that he's listening. You can't help but admire the attention he gives you.

"Were you watching me when I was inside?" You question him, tilting your head a bit while you wait for his response. His eyes widen as he opens his mouth to try and think about how to respond.

"W-well, y-you see, I was a-actually-", he stutters while trying to pull some excuse out of his ass. It's quite entertaining to you watching him struggle like this. Cute.

"I honestly just want to know how you knew this coffee was mine. Did you listen in when I ordered? Did you watch me walk out and wait for my cup to be finished so you could bring it? Maybe the nice woman asked you to bring it to me, but, why would she just ask a random customer?" You grill him with questions while he sits there, eyes still wide, knowing he's been caught. You continue,

"Don't get all quiet on me now. I'm just messing with you. I know you were watching me but...why?" You finally finish. He lets out a nervous laugh and looks down at his lap for a second, fumbling with his fingers.

"I will admit I was watching you, but not in a creepy way! I'd just never seen you here before and it seems you're a regular. Since I'm also a regular, I just got a bit curious. I promise I'm not some weirdo stalker", he explains while trying to avoid eye contact with you. This makes you laugh a little. 'What is he doing to me?' you think to yourself.

"Well, to kill your curiosity, I am a regular. Today was just a little behind my normal schedule so I ended up coming by later than usual, which explains why you've probably never seen me."

Seeing that you're not upset or angry like he originally thought, he begins to relax. He decides to try and keep the conversation going.

"So, since we're sitting together now and I don't necessarily like stranger danger, my name is Christian. You mind giving me yours?" He says as he puts his hand out for you to shake.

"Christian... that's not what I would have guessed but I guess is suits you. My names Y/n."
You smile as you extend your hand to shake his. While doing so, you realize there's a spark. Maybe this should've been the warning you would need in the future. Maybe this should've stopped you but you were a masochist. A little shock was nothing but excitement.

And from this moment forward, you were completely fucked.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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