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Y/N tugged on Rodrick's arms, attempting to pry him away, but he remained stubbornly rooted to the spot. His arms felt like steel around her waist, and his smirk only widened as she struggled against his grip. The morning light streamed through the window, casting a soft glow on the room.

"Rodrick, seriously! Let go," she insisted, trying to mask her amusement with frustration.

"Nah," Rodrick sighed, feigning indifference as he tightened his hold slightly.

"School, Rodrick. We're gonna be late," she warned, her patience wearing thin. He only rolled his eyes in response, but finally relented enough for her to slip away. With an exasperated sigh, she turned to wake up his little brother, Greg.

"Greg, wake up! It's the first day of school!" Y/N called loudly as she entered his room and flicked on the lights. Greg groaned and buried his head under the pillow, clearly not ready to face the day. Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his distaste before leaving the room again.

Back in Rodrick's room, Y/N found him still lounging in bed, rubbing his eyes like a petulant child. The room was filled with the soft glow of dawn, casting long shadows across the floor.

"Come on, lazyass. Your mom's probably got breakfast downstairs," she chided, trying to rouse him from his slumber.

"Can you carry me?" Rodrick asked, flashing her a lazy grin as he made no effort to move.

Y/N raised an eyebrow incredulously. "Seriously? You think my arms can lift your 6'1" ass!?" she retorted, but Rodrick just laughed and buried himself deeper under the covers.

"I hate mornings," he grumbled, his voice muffled by the blankets as he reached for his band posters for 'Löded Diaper' and reluctantly got out of bed.

As they made their way downstairs, Rodrick noticed a pair of boxers lying around Y/N's waist. He shot her a teasing smirk, which she caught out of the corner of her eye. With a playful roll of her eyes, she jokingly slapped him on the shoulder before turning away.

"Morning," Rodrick announced loudly as they entered the kitchen, dropping his posters on the table. The aroma of breakfast filled the air, mingling with the soft sound of sizzling bacon.

"Morning, sweetheart," Susan greeted them tiredly, placing plates of food in front of them without much enthusiasm. Her hair was tousled from sleep, and dark circles lingered under her eyes.

"Thanks, Susan," Y/N muttered, grabbing her fork and digging in. Rodrick, however, seemed more interested in his posters than his breakfast.

Rodrick continued to doodle on the posters, adding devil horns to the 'L' in 'Löded Diaper'. Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, earning a smirk from Rodrick in return.

"Who are you giving those to?" she asked, making him look up at her with a grin.

"Probably gonna hand 'em out at school," he replied, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he returned to his posters. Y/N just hummed in acknowledgment.

Greg, seated beside Rodrick, picked at his breakfast nervously, clearly not looking forward to the first day of middle school. His hands shook slightly as he reached for his glass of orange juice, his eyes darting around the room.

Frank entered the kitchen, his gaze landing on Manny's odd seating arrangement. "The toilet at the table? Seriously?" he remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Y/N stifled a laugh, exchanging amused glances with Rodrick. Susan, however, just sighed tiredly and continued to serve breakfast.

With Frank's departure, Y/N turned her attention back to Greg, as Rodrick was behind speaking.

"Here's some advice, turd face," Y/N said, rolling her eyes softly and kicking Rodrick under the table. ", I mean Greg. Don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone, don't go anywhere, don't sit down, don't raise your hand, don't go to the bathroom, don't get noticed, don't choose the wrong locker, don't..." she trailed off, nodding in agreement with some of Rodrick's points. "Who am I kidding? You'll be dead or homeschooled by the end of the year anyway," she joked, looking at Greg with a mischievous grin.

Greg looked at Rodrick in fear, and Y/N laughed at his petrified face until she heard Susan's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Greg, you'll be fine," Y/N reassured him, though she couldn't help but smirk at Rodrick's antics.

Susan, meanwhile, nodded in agreement with the girl. "See Greg! You'll be great."

"See ya!" Rodrick said, gripping Y/N's hand and pulling her towards the door.

Susan sighed as she watched them leave, glancing down at Greg. "C'mon, I'll take you." As they headed out the door, the morning sun cast long shadows across the pavement, signaling the start of a new day.

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