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TW: mentions of rape, angst.

"Can I ask what he did to you?" Rodrick mumbles, carefully extracting the shards of glass from the girls hand. The girls face remains stoic as she nods her head. "Did he rape you?" The girls face stays emotionless as she nods once.

"Shit." The girl cringes at the feeling in her hand.

"I'm sorry." Rodrick says looking up at her face with worry, they stay in comfortable silence for a moment before Rodrick continues speaking. "You're never going back there." He says, shaking his head.

"I can't just not go back, I could easily go into the system and that's the last thing I want." The girl says softly, Rodrick sighs in understanding.

"Well then you're never going back there without me." Rodrick looks up at the girl through his eyelashes, making her nod.

"When do your parents get back?" The girl asks, glancing back down at Rodricks work on her hand. He now wraps a bandage around the wounds.

"There gonna be gone till next Friday." Rodrick says, "thank god they're gone though." He shakes his head, before standing up and closing the first aid kit. He walks behind the couch and pets the girls hair gently, bending down to kiss her forehead.

Rodrick leaves the room for a moment to put the first aid kit away, he walks back into the living room to see the girl half asleep.

"Let's get you to bed." He says, picking her up softly. She rests her head on his shoulder as he carries her up the stairs.

"Goodnight baby." He says laying her down on his bed, giving her a kiss, and laying down beside her.


Y/N wakes up to the smell of cooking breakfast, she frowns at the uncomfortable feeling throughout her body as she stands up. She limps to the bathroom and looks in the large mirror, she cringes at the state she's in.

She lets out a soft whimper as she remembers the events of last night, she turns around towards the bath and turns it on. She get into the steaming hot water, not even flinching at the overly hot temperature. The faucet continues spraying water as she grabs her soap off the ledge, she sprays it on her loofah and scrubs her body.

She continues scrubbing her body raw, tears running down her flushed face. She drops the loofah into the tub and sinks her body under the water, as well as her face. She holds her breath, finally feeling calm as the sound around her is dampened.

"Y/N?" Rodrick speaks through the door, he rattles the door knob and opens the door. He looks down at the girl submerged in water with wide eyes, he reaches her and pulls her out of the burning water, flinching at the temperature on his skin. "Shit!" He says pulling his hand away.

He shakes off the temperature, reaching into the water again and pulling her out.

"Don't do that." He says, pulling her out of the bath and wrapping a soft towel around her. Her soft wailing and the splashing of water is the only sound in the bathroom as he holds her body, rocking her back and forth.

Her wails quiet as they turn to soft sniffles, he reaches to grab her chin and pull her face to look at his. "There's breakfast downstairs, You need food." Rodrick says, taking her towards his bedroom.

He grabs her clothes out of the dresser and dresses her slowly, leaning back down to pick her back up. He takes her down the stairs to the kitchen, and sets her down on one of the bar stools.

"Here." He says, placing a plate of eggs and toast in front of her.

She picks at the eggs with her fork before setting it down and shoving her plate away from her. Rodrick glances at her, and tilts his head.

"I know you haven't eaten since yesterdays breakfast, you need food." He says picking up the fork on her plate and stabbing one of the eggs with it. He brings the fork up to her mouth and she hesitantly opens her mouth.

"Good girl."

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