Chapter 6

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(I rewatched the movie and I realized I got some things wrong but I'm too lazy to change them lmao)

Same day
At dinner
Y/n pov:

After Mirabel and Camilo left I went to run some errands for my parents
Once I was done I stayed in town a little to pass the time
Until a certain shapeshifter came up to me

"Hey Mariposa I was looking for you to let you know dinner's almost done so we should start heading to casita."

"Oh okay let's go then."

~time skip to when you get there~

A lady with ginger hair and a pretty yellow dress was standing by the door

She gasped
"You're y/n right ?"

"Mhm that's me." I said with a smile

"It's such a pleasure to meet you!" She said

She seems sweet

"Oh the pleasure is all mine mrs. Madrigal."

"There's no need for formalities mija call me Pepa.
Come in come in we're about to start eating."

She leads us inside then outback where there was a table set up everyone seemed to have already sat down there were 2 empty seats

Camilo sat down next to Isabella
Then I sat down next to him at the end of the table

Finally Abuela started her speech about how the Guzman's are coming over tomorrow night and Mariano is supposed to propose to Isabella

I saw Mirabel trying to talk to Luisa but it seems Luisa wouldn't tell her anything. Mirabel got a little too loud and ended up getting moved next to Abuela.

Ay Mirabel
How are we going to get Luisa to talk
maybe we can talk to her after dinner maybe then she'll tell us what she's worried about
But what if it's not about the magic she probably won't talk to me or Camilo
I think Mirabel has to do this one on her own—

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I saw Isabella sprouted pink flowers on her head

Is that what she does when she's flustered ??

Camilo turned into Mariano and made kissy faces at Isabella when she blew flowers into his face
He started coughing and spit out a flower

I laughed a little then he turned to glare at me

"My bad" I said in between laughs

He turned back to Isabella and then to me
He had a handful of small flowers and threw them at me

"Hey!" I said turning away quickly

He holds in a laugh and says

"That's what you get."

I roll my eyes starting to pick flowers out of my hair

~time skip to after dinner~

Mirabel came up to me before I left

"Hey I still wanna hang out do you maybe spend the night ?"

I gasp
"I'd love to ! Just let me go tell my parents and pack some things and I'll be right back."

I start flying to my house letting my mom know I'm spending the night at the Madrigals she says okay and I go pack my things

I got to back to casita just in time as it had started drizzling
Rain is not good for my wings it makes them extremely delicate and more likely to rip
Mirabel greeted me at the door and led me to the nursery where she stayed she had already made a little area for me to sleep on

How cozy

"I talked to Luisa and she told me that yesterday when she was carrying something she felt weak she said she heard the adults talking once and they said Bruno had a vision that no one has seen and apparently that vision was the reason he left."

"Woahhhh so basically we have to find that vision in order to ... save the miracle ?"

"Mhm so tomorrow guess where we're going."

"Uhhhh Bruno's room ?"

"Yup ! Hopefully we can find that vision and it'll help us keep the magic from... fading"
She stopped for a second

"What's wrong ?" I asked curiously

"Shhhh" she put a hand over my mouth

I tried to take off her hand then we heard shuffling from behind the door

Mirabel and I looked at each other

Someone was listening to our conversation

I got up quietly
Slowly walking up to the door I opened it quickly and

What a surprise

It was none other than

"Camilo ?! Why are you eavesdropping on our conversation ?"

"I'm not eavesdropping I'm uhh— sleepwalking."

He put his arms out and closed his eyes pretending to sleepwalk

"Very funny Camilo get in here." I say grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room
I shut the door

Mirabel glares at him

"Soooo Bruno's tower huh ?" He says putting a hand behind his head

"How exactly are we gonna get into his tower ?" I ask turning to Mirabel

"I mean we just walk in when Abuelas not looking she'll be busy with señorita perfecta Isabella so it won't be too hard."

Suddenly the rain grows louder
We all walk over to the window
Then there's a boom a thunder

No no no not thunder anything but thunder

I jump slightly

Camilo turns to me

"Hey are you okay ?"

"Hm ? Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be it's just thunder what kind of person would be scared of that haha."

Another boom of thunder

I jump again

"You don't look okay y/n you're shaking." Mirabel says worried

"I'm totally fine what do you mean ?"

She takes my hand and sits me on the bed

"I will be right back with snacks and whatever distractions I can find sit tight." She walks out the door leaving me alone with Camilo
I scoot back until my back is to the wall
He sits down next to me
I lean into him

"This is so stupid." I say still shaking

"I don't think it's stupid. You're allowed to be scared of things Mariposa." He tells me

"I know but I still feel dumb."

I look out the window
The thunder continues now with lightning

"How about we don't look outside I think it would make it worse no ? Do you wanna ... hold my hand ?"

I laugh slightly

"Are you trying to flirt with me right now ?"

"Wha— no ! I— do you want my hand or not ?"

He puts out his hand and I take it
Intertwining our fingers
We sit there for a while as I calm down more and more
Until I feel myself drift off to sleep


This chapter is unnecessarily long and idk how I feel about it but it's a chapter nonetheless
Hope you have an awesome day/night
Remember I love you
Take care of yourselves <3 — Star

&quot;Ay Mariposa&quot; Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now