Chapter 13

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Y/n pov:

I woke up to someone's curly hair in my face I open my eyes to see Antonio laying down next to me fast asleep I had my arm wrapped around him
Camilo hasn't moved from his spot on top of me either and he wasn't letting go anytime soon

Great I legally cannot move now

Antonio starts to move until he slowly opens his eyes

"Good morning little one. Why'd you end up sleeping here ?" I ask in a whisper as he sits up

"I had a nightmare." He responds

"Oh... you wanna talk about it ?"
He nods no

"Okay are you hungry I can make you something."
He nods yes and I start to sit up forgetting that Camilo is still on me

"Shoot" I whisper hoping he doesn't wake up
I look over to Antonio who has his stuffed leopard in his hands
He lifts up his arm and softly throws the leopard onto Camilo's face

I try not to laugh as Antonio giggles
Camilo's eyes widen as he makes eye contact with the little one

"I'm hungry." The little one simply says

"And what's that got to do with me ?" Camilo says softly tossing the stuffed animal at Antonio's head

"Hey be nice please !" I tell the 2 boys

"He started it. Don't be fooled by his cute appearance Mariposa."  Camilo says glaring at his brother

"Yeah yeah whatever." We both sit up and Antonio walks to the door sticking his tongue out before leaving
I couldn't help but laugh
I calm down a bit and notice Camilo staring at me with a sweet smile

"What ? I know I'm pretty but come on." I tell him punching him lightly on the arm

He laughs and says
"You are gorgeous Mariposa."

He must've noticed that I was taken back by his compliment because he grabbed my hand and we walked out the door

Downstairs we found Antonio looking intently at a jar of cookies just as he was going for the lid he spots us and quickly takes his hand away

"I wasn't gonna take any." He says with his hands behind his back

"Oh don't worry bud you can have some you want some milk too ?" I ask walking towards him

"That's not breakfast." Camilo asks eyeing the cookies

"You can have some too Camilo plus I know I said I could make you guys something but I can't really cook haha." I put my hand behind my head
I grab a some plates and cups and go to put them on the table Antonio tugs on my clothes and tells me he can set the table
Instead I take the milk while Camilo takes the cookies

"How many do you want Antonio ?" He holds up his hand telling me he wants 5

"5?" I ask putting 5 of them on his plate

"And you ?" I ask Camilo
He thinks for a second and says confidently

"10." Antonio looks at him with wide eyes
I give him a "seriously?" look

"Okay okay fine I'll just have 2." He tells me

"Whatever you say you can take some off of my plate if you change your mind."

I put some on my own plate and just as I'm about to sit down we hear some commotion outside
I walk to the front window and pull back the curtain a little
3 kids were outside yelling
"She's back ! She's back !"

I open the door and see a horse running by with

1– no 2– no 3 people ??

My eyes widen as I realize one of those people is Mirabel
By now both boys had gathered behind me to see what was going on

"Mirabel !! She's back !" I yell in excitement as we all rush out I quickly shut the door and we run towards what used to be casita

As we were near I saw her hug señora Julieta and then her dad joined the hug
I tried to fly to her but could barely get in the air
I tried one last time and failed as I stumbled onto the ground Mirabel caught me
I pull her into a hug

"God I was worried Mira."

"I'm okay ! We'll be okay." She responded

"Uhh not if we don't have a house." Señor Felix nudges Camilo with his elbow
"What ? I can't say we don't have a house ? What is that not a house !"

~I'm sorry but timeskip to after casita is rebuilt~

The last thing casita needed was a doorknob
The family had put together one with the letter M on it for Madrigal

Finally she was getting the appreciation she deserved

Antonio walked up the the front door with her
She put in the doorknob and in a second the house glowed with gold
It added a carving of the whole family and
A small butterfly on Camilo's ruana almost like a pin

We stood in awe as casita waved to Mirabel and she waved back
The tiles moved Mira inside and she called us in too
We all moved inside and saw the whole place it looked amazing
Everyone seemed to get their powers back too
Isabella made herself a new dress it was purple with splashes of neon color
Luisa was back to lifting things but was quickly put into a hammock where she could rest and take a break from all the hard work
Antonio's Jaguar had picked him up and was running around with tons of smaller animals following them

Señora Pepa was seen dancing under a cloud it was nice seeing her happy even with a cloud above her
The family all went to take a picture
I stood on the side and Mira and Camilo waved their hands signaling me to also get in the photo
I nodded my head no but casita's tiles moved me in between Mira and Camilo
Bruno moved to the other side of Mira in order to make room for me

It's still weird seeing him here

Camilo put his arm around my waist and just as the picture was about to be taken casita's tiles moved all of us closer together
I laughed as I squished into Mirabel putting my hands on her shoulders
Camilo pushed into me putting both his arms around my waist
We all laughed and enjoyed the rest of the celebration
It has literally been eating me up inside that I haven't updated in like a week I see your comments and I'm like omg I haven't updated I need to write like rn BUT I HAD WRITERS BLOCK
I also didn't proofread this so sorry for mistakes
Anyways I hope you have an amazing day/night
Remember I love you
Take care of yourselves — Star <3

&quot;Ay Mariposa&quot; Camilo Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now