Nah bruh naaaah

186 2 3

So eh
My peeps
My lovely little flowers
My scoodle doodles noodles

I kinda forgot about this book-
And I'm so damn embarrassed when I backread what I wrote haHa-
SaDly I ain't much in this fandom anymore-
I like to see the art and stuff- don't get me wrong
But I don't feel any fulfillment writing
And so I've just left the whole book
Sadly without any warning I guess-
I had an idea what to write
Something about Thailand and Sweden I guess?
But it's not finished- so if you still even want to read what monstrosity I made- then it's just to comment whatever you think XDD

I've also had a lot going on
I am literally watching all of my family members die while the others fall into despair
I can literally say that my family tree is rotting at a fast pace
Everyone dies like flies because of cancer
And other diseases

On top of that
I've had shingles
I've had a lot of stomach problems
I've had surgery in my throat
I got diagnosed with anxiety
And I've been completely exhausted from everything
I probably had more goin on but I don't remember much atm

But either way
Have a nice daaay 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 and marry late Christmas 🎄

But either way Have a nice daaay 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 and marry late Christmas 🎄

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