🔪Norway x Jamaica🔪 [yandere]

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A/N: HHHHHHHHHHHH- this chapter is late too cuz of how school is (and that I'm dying of pain ;) ). Hhhhhh- Sorry 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.
I will trY being more active here.
Also it contains Netherlands x Jamaica too.
Also if there is any spelling mistakes, please call out for me in the comments. I'm too tired of my stories to read over em again..

3rd persons view:

Norway sat at the bar with his brother Sweden. It were almost midnight and the rest of the brothers were about to go to sleep at home.
The two brothers took shots to see who was better then the other as usual. They had also betted that the first to get either a gf or bf would get to call themselves the best Nordic land but they gave that up for a long time ago.

They had also checked the bar for girls or boys to date "just in case". But you can say they got rejected by all of them. Well- they had noticed a guy that usually was there smoking something ,but never had the balls to talk to him. He usually wore a hood to cover his face and eyes almost being unnoticed.

Sweden didn't seem to care so much about that tho, but Norway always kept a eye on him to see if he could spot any soft sides with him. He was also happy Swed didn't care, this guy was making many bells ring for Norway and he could not imagine how angry he would have been to as him with someone else.

Norway shook his head and came up with a good idea to maaaaybe make contact with him and earn money cuz he used it all on the alcohol he was drinking.

-"heyyyy sweD?" Norway said while drunk

-"hUH? What is it Norway??" Sweden said with a grunt. He was tired of him already.

-" what * hic* if I talk to himmmm- do *hic* do I get aaaaaanything for thattttt??"
He said constantly giving the man a glance.

Sweden sighted, there is nowhere just talking to him should make him loose money.

-"well, if you keep contact with him and kiiinda at least get him as your bf then I guess?"
He frowned and shrugged.

Norway got exited and jumped of the barstool he was sitting on beside Sweden, and made his way to the other almost falling down on the ground. He didn't take alcohol as great as anyone else would do. Literally.. give him a glass of wine and you will se him drunk.

But now we will not focus on "that" and the author would rather write about thE story-.

So he went to the guy and gave him a gentle tap on the other's shoulder making him turn around. It looked like he was quite annoyed actually, maybe he knew all along that this was gonna happen.

When he fully turned around he looked directly into the others eyes, he had pink ish eyes with some dark bangs under it. He was probs tired after all of that, of what he was doing-

Norway felt no anxiety, luckily- cuz he was drunk. Ofc- if he would be all sane he would stare at the ground or walk away scared, but this was now his chance to win the bet, maybe even get his dream boi.

The two of them stared at each other before the guy in the hood took the hood down and greeted the other, a normal handshake ofc, they must be polite even tho they both don't seem to be in the shape for it-

The Norwegian then began talking, hoping it would be the time for it... bad luck tho, he didn't even bother to introduce himself in the handshake.

The other just rolled his eyes and gave him a simple smile cuz why not. Not like it mattered,,, not at all luckily, and just listened to Norway and what he had to say.

Norway then had said what he had on his chest and got speechless. How awkward... well Jamaica saved the conversation by asking:

-"who are you actually? You never bothered to introduce urself"

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