🌸Jamaica x Norway fluff🌸

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Hhhhh- ik this is a very unpopular ship but-
Here we GOOOOO-

Jamaica was the kind of person to smoke every day, at least 2 smokes.
One day Jamaica noticed to his greatest fear that he had run out of it. He surely had a little panic attack from that, searching every corner for it, but it were nowhere in sight.

He sighted as he put on his shoes and a grey hoodie to head out to the store.

As he was walking he bumped into a guy. Jamaica found this annoying and were about to yell at the country.

He then saw how panicked the guy was trying to say the words "I'm sorry" but fails miserably as he was stuttering.
Jamaica felt his heart skip a beat at how this country was so small and shy.

He had a cross with red white and blue, his jacket had som-no a lot of white fur.
The other country stood there embarrassed but admired the others flag too.

Norway did eventually say that He was Sorry and looked frightened because he didn't want any country to hate him.

Jamaica huffed and patted the other country on his head on a friendly manner.
-"yea I'm sorry for looking so pissed, I've haven't had my smoke today. Wanna join shopping?"

The other stood there flusters at the sudden physical touches but nodded as he walked beside the tall country beside him looking up to him.
Jamaica noticed that the other looked at him and thought that it was kind of cute, as for how innocent he looked like.

Norway than noticed him seeing him looking at him and his his face in embarrassment as they continued to walk to the shopping center.

Narrator then grew annoyed that they didn't know each other's name and then just wrote this wondering why, while she wants to go back to the story.

Jamaica wanted to start a conversation to get out of this uncomfortable silence between them. The thing was that they couldn't talk normally to each other because none of them knew the others name.

Jamaica then coughed to get the others attention and successfully did.
Jamaica than put his hand over the others shoulder like a comrade and asked the others about his name.

Norway found this quite troublesome because just a patting gets him flustered, now he is flinching every second with a big blush covering his whole face looking down at the ground to collect himself.

The poor buy was so busy keeping himself calm that he forgot to answer the other.
Jamaica let out a quiet laugh while he began introducing himself.

"Haha, I'm Jamaica just if you wonder, nice to meet you! U?"
He snickered out as Norway turned his gaze towards Jamaica embarrassed trying to say his name.

"E-em.Norge- eH NEI- I'm N-Norway" Norway stuttered out once again embarrassed.
Jamaica felt butterflies appear in his stomach after hearing Norway speak. He didn't mind him stuttering, this was quite cute for him too.

Norway was always thinking about his words for at least five seconds before he talked due to his bad English.

Jamaica found it quite cute, Jamaica was more skilled in English unlike Norway who had to stop in the sentence to fix his grammar.

They actually fell into a quite funny conversation about how wrong innocent words can be. Because Norway's best dish was Swedish meatballs. But he didn't mean it in a dirty way and laughed at how wrong it could be taken.

(Here is is actually)

(Here is is actually)

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