🍋👌What a smutty into👌🍋

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WARNING- this chapter contains smut, if you do not feel comfortable reading this, than just don't. Thanks you for understanding.

Now we sceedleladoo into da story :>>>

Russia's pov:

Today was one of the days where you had to just flip a table and say.


Yes, I did this at the job I recently got. And why did I do that? Well because my co-workers expected that someone as new as I could help all of them with their paperwork.

And it was not just "some" paperwork, no, it was plenty of what they have saved ever since from Christmas.

I just cursed under my breath as I leaved the building heading home.
The house was a pretty yellow color and had a large garden around it.
It was pretty cozy there you could say so.

I opened the door and shut it with a large bang which made America jump at the sudden sound. He turned of the tv he was watching and looked at me with a concerned smile.

-"welcome home Russi-"

I grunted at him and cut him of.

-"I've had a long day at job, and I do not have time to do the dishes.
So why won't you just shut up and strip for me."

-Now over to a disgusted America, brought to you by a blushing author-

America's pov:

I sat there, unable to speak.
I was now very confused, was his work stressing him out so much his mind  messed up his brain ,or is he just really drunk.

regardless what I thought, I did it as I was embarrassed. Taking of my hoodie, shirt, pants, socks now leaving me only in my boxers.

I looked up at him with a blush covering my whole face, making him smirk and lean down to me.

Our lips met as well he crashed our bodies together. He bit my lip asking for entry, I accepted by opening my mouth letting his tongue in as he began licking all around leaving no place un-touched by his saliva.

Our bodies were grinding against each other at the same time making me moan between the kisses of the touches.

I guess this made him turned on, cuz he pulled away for breath as he as well began undressing himself leaving himself only in his boxers too.

He sat up, breathing out while I looked at his muscles, he was very fit and had a nice body.
Surely every girl would have fall head over heel  for this man, but he is all mine.

He sat up from the sofa and lifted me up bridal way. And took me to our bedroom, I wonder how he is so strong.

He opened the door and dumped me in the bed while climbing over me. Spreading my legs and getting in between them kissing me.

Eventually he got tired of waiting for me so he began taking my boxers off revealing I was hard.
I looked lustfully on him signalizing I was ready for him.

He then began taking of his boxers revealing more and more of his red skin until a huge hard throbbing dick approached me.

Drool slipped though my mouth as I wanted him inside me, he looked so fucking good and will probably fill me good.

I moaned quiet in greed and got pushed back by ( JOHN CENA-) his muscular body towering over me twice as much.

-"ready?" He whispered in my ear biting softly at it, as well positioning himself at my tiny hole.

I simply gave him a nod before he thrusted all of his length inside me making me moan out in pain.

He made sure to give me time to adjust to his size, so some couple of minutes passed by. Eventually It felt ok for me to make him move again, so I grinded down signalizing I was ready.

He noticed that and began pounding the hell out of me, pushing me on the material of the bed as I moaned his name in pleasure taking a liking to this new sensation.

I bit down on a pillow to prevent me from being too loud as I felt him go even deeper making me moan crazily much as well hitting a certain spot that made my legs go numb.

After being hot that spot over and over I couldn't stop myself anymore, the room was now filled with lustful moans of both of us as I gripped onto the sheets and arched up my back.

I felt him get down to me still thrusting getting EVEN DEEPER into me as he also picked up the speed. He bit down at my neck making a hickey and trailed down on my body marking me as his.

I gripped around him for no reason and made scratch marks from my nails on his back ,as well leaving some hickeys until we both were covered.

A knot formed in my stomach at the same time he began pumping me. I let out a squeal and moaned a loud moan in pleasure as he came inside me filling me up to the brim with his seed.

He collapsed onto me, we both were panting and sweating and the room had a nice aroma making me catch my breath as well curling up to Russia holding him.

He put an arm around me letting me cuddle him as we both went to sleep.

-Time skip brought to you by a sleeping couple-

Russia's pov:

I woke up feeling light headed and noticed a country cuddled up to me. I blushed knowing what we had done and noticed a camera...

I kissed America on his head replacing me with a pillow he could hug, and went over to the camera wanting to know who had filmed them.

He opened a window looking out of it seeing japan and Canada on a ladder. They both noticed me and began quietly giggling. But stopped when that saw that the ladder had moved and they were gonna fall.

They fell in the ground with an oof- and luckily for them, the house wasn't that large so they could easily survive that.

I then felt two arms hug me from behind and I turned back to be greeted from America burying his face onto my back wanting me to sleep with him. I sighted and went back to bed with him making sure to close the window in the way.

I put the covers over us and soon we both were asleep cuddled up to each other.

Your Dad is behind you reading this-

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