Cuz this happened

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Sorry, but I wanted to try this :))

1: just call me Amalz, or _VadZ_ (I don't give out THAT personal info)

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1: just call me Amalz, or _VadZ_ (I don't give out THAT personal info)

2: around 1,70

3: ehhh, I don't basically like to shop, but it would be TGR cuz there is so much weird there.

4: I would like to say Fretex (it's where you can buy used)
But i have to say Adidas or urban

5: k XD

5: k XD

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(These are not my pictures as u can see, but I find them hella funny XD)

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(These are not my pictures as u can see, but I find them hella funny XD)

6: it would be Rusame, And Third Reich x USSR (

7: eh because I found a ship, I went to Pinterest, found a story someone made about the ship. Saw it was on wattpad, made an account on wattpad. Went to read. Yes.

I also got inspired do draw more, so the. I drew, saw someone who posted their art on an art book, so I wanted to do the same.

(I'm kinda a follower)

I'm also writing cuz it helps me relive stress. It makes me forget about school, and go into another world. And the way I write aren't criticized by a grade which tells me how bad I am at it.

It is like, the teachers can tell that. -Oh! This is a good story!

Eh, there are a lot of spelling errors, they can just drop these words, the language is kind of overflowing. The person who wrote this has surely put a lot of effort in it by sitting at the chair for complete so so many hours, read and corrected it over four times.

This is a story at four pages, very good.Other teachers say that it is saving you a 4 ,but this person will get a grade under for its effort.

Like... WHYYYYY.

8: to be an fine animator.

9: in Norway it is 14:10 but for u guys (and girls) it is 2:10

10: (I don't know if this counts as a sweet, cuz it is salt, but the others are sweet...)
SALT SILD, chocolate and Reece's.

11: idk, every number is fine.

12: I don't have any embarrassing stories with him... buuut-

There was one time he was gonna move ;-; we were actually together, BUT- both of us was very social awkward people...

So the day he were gonna move, i told him: BE AT THE SCHOOL, IM GONNA HUG U!

And than I saw him, ran towards him, hugged him.- BUT HE DIDNT HUG BACK ;,,,,,,-,,,,,,;

Then I said I'm gonna miss him, and we had to go. But he didn't hug back because ha haven't been hugged at school never once when he started. So I was kinda the first one (I felt very proud)

SOONER- I got to a birthday party, and my friends began telling the other that I was together with him (cuz we broke up cuz we found out we can't normally interact with each other)
. And then the one that HAD birthday told me that she also was his girlfriend...

I was like. BI- WHATTTT-

We are still friend tho :))

13: do it if you want. I won't bother anyone. So ye.

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