🥀Im affraid of loosing you🍂

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Warning: this chapter involves cutting/self harm and VERY light smut (isn't even smut tho-) and depression/depressive thoughts, eating disorders and death.

If you do not feel comfortable reading this, skip it.

Russia sat down at the soft grass with his sister Belarus and gazed at the beautiful sky. It was nearly midnight, the stars was now there.

He breathed out as his hot breath turned to steam because of the cold weather. Russia raised up knowing well he couldn't stay out for too long, the time have almost turned 9.

He looked down at Belarus . She didn't recognize that he was not sitting beside her anymore, Russia sighed:

-"Беларусь, пора домой" (Belarus, it's time to go home)

Belarus winced at the sudden voice behind her, but knew right away it was Russia. Even if it were late, she still wanted to be outside.

It is not every day she can be outside for so long, well ever since she was born, USSR has been very protective over them not letting his enemy..Nazi... even get a glance at them.

Russia knew very well that she would not go, so then he then pulled out a trick on her.

-"Если вы приедете, вы получите цену дома" (If u come home, you will get a price)

Belarus immediately turned her head to Russia and got up, as well running as fast as she could home.

Russia ran after her, he could not let his sight let go of her. Russia knew that very well from past experience with his dad.

They finally greeted their house and Belarus stopped right in front of the door.

-"брат, что же он должен получить нет?" (Brother, what is that I'm gonna get now? (Oof- sorry for mah bad English)

She asked cheerfully, hoping to get that skirt she found on sale.

Russia just stood there, a faint smile on his face showing. He than turned serious again, it wasn't often he was smiling.

Belarus did like the price, she always liked to see him smile, but seeing how forced it was made her unsatisfied. Even tho, he actually did smile. So it was ok enough for her...for now.

They made their way in and was greeted by their father, making their beds (Cuz he is a good dad UwU) and their brother Ukraine, who was brushing his teeth.

And let's go more into detail about their home.
The walls was a pretty burgundy color, and the floor was a nice dark brown color.

They had a stairway up to four rooms, the bath, USSR's room, Belarus shares a room with Ukraine. And then it was Russia's room.

On the first floor they had a nice fluffy sofa into the cornering the left, which was a lighter brown color with yellow pillows on the sides. Than there was a tv in front of the sofa. And the kitchen was right behind them.

Well, enough talk about that.

Russia was too busy minding about his own business, (no he's not jerking off ya SINNER-)
You know, when you like someone so much, it hurts. You can literally feel the blood pumping extra much in your veins, you just can't handle it. And you are in literal pain.

Well, this is the situation Russia is in. He likes this dude in his class that is very popular among everybody. He is confident in every move, and can talk freely without regret.

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