🍋Kazahstan x Kyrgystan (smut)🍋

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A/N: FUCC ye it's SUMMER- I'm basically in Croatia with my family writing this- (I hope they don't see-)
But ye, request by: @TyrrorystaZNorwegii

(Sorry if there are spelling mistakes- just comment if you find one- then I can fix it-)

Third pov:

Kazakhstan was on his way to Kyrgyzstan this Friday morning. He actually had to take a flight because they lived very far from each other.

And why did Kazakhstan want to fly? Well it was summer, so to see his friend was a goal. Well, he did feel bad to take the flight because he knows it is not good for the environment. But what else could he do?

He checked his luggage for the fifth time before leaving home and made his way to the airport. He felt his nerves crawl on his skin as he approached the airport.

He got his ticket and sent the luggage away (u know the rolling thing) and went in.
He did get stopped when he walked through the scanning thing, but it was just a checked under his hood. So he was actually good to go.

He sat down at a sofa when he reached "the end" and relaxed. Someone then came walking towards him, as he did not notice.

The "someone" than jumped at Kazakhstan making him flinch and shout jumping at the seat.

He turned to his left and saw a person that he did not expect to see here, yes indeed that person was Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan looked innocently at Kazakhstan and let out a small giggle as he sat beside him.

Kazakhstan was all confused, he have just ordered a ticket to visit him, but instead he was there- the exact same place as him.

The confused boi did not have time to question Kyrgyzstan, the flight hostess already said that people should go to the plane now. Kazakhstan raised up and took Kyrgyzstan's hand and walked in.

Kyrgyzstan was thinking of this as a friendly manner as fiddled his fingers in between Kazakhstan fingers. The other shrugged this off, he only did this to not loose the other.

When they got on board they looked at their tickets to find where they was sitting.

-" Kazakhstan, I have seat A14 you??"

-" I've got C14, guess we are lucky."

Kyrgyzstan squealed at this and sat down on the seat with the window, and apparently there was no other coming to fill seat B.

Half an hour went by and Kazakhstan sat beside the other ,cuz he was now sure no one would come and take the place.

He then saw Sweden run into the plane looking relieved that they didn't fly away from him.

-"wow, Sweden Is lucky" Kyrgyzstan said giggling.

-"yes indeed" Kazakhstan murmured, he did not actually care.

Sweden than flopped onto the seat beside Kazakhstan and breathed funnily. He held his head in his arms not caring about his belt.

Kyrgyzstan nudged Kazakhstan and told him to put the belt on him, cus he have totally forgot it.

Kazakhstan felt uncomfortable doing this because he knew Sweden had a girlfriend.
He gently took the metals and gently put them together feeling like everyone was staring at him.

Well he did this only for Kyrgyzstan, he actually liked him a bit

Sweden also felt uncomfortable in the whole situation, but pretended to not notice. You can basically say that everyone in those eats were uncomfortable, while Kyrgyzstan was a smol happy boi-.

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