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Don't doubt me, I do love candyfloss but I think we had a little too much. I lost count of how many we had but I am stuffed, if I ate anything more I will throw up. This is a big issue since we have dinner in about... 20 minutes.
Owen and I look at each other in worry since this is me meeting the family. Oh well. I decide to freshen up and before we know it it is dinner time.

As we make our way towards the dining hall he speaks don't worry, they will be so happy to see you they won't notice if you don't eat this doesn't settle me at all as it is his way of calming himself since he is more worried than me. When we reach the Door I think, what the hell, you only live once and decide to hold my head high and walk in there like I own the place.

As we enter everyone stares at us, more specifically me. To Break the ice me being me decide to say so how've ya been, how long was it 11 years, you know I always wondered what my brothers would look like and turns out all of you are fuggly, except Owen since you know we share the good looks and impeccable fashion and taste.  As you can tell, I am clearly good at making first impressions and this isn't even the worst I've done. Everyone is quite but I hear who I think is luie murmer to who I think is max bollucks now we got two of them.  In response me and twinnie boy scoff offended that they think it's a bad thing.

Owen leads me to the last empty chairs and I look around the table at everyone. All are smiling except James who is looking at me with no expression and max who is glaring at me so I return the gesture in which he just grunts in response. I notice neither of my parents are here but decide not to bring that up.

Since no one is talking and are all just eating then staring at me as if to check I am really here I decide to ask James the question.

C- cordelia

C- James my brother I have a question for you

J- ask away dear sister

C- back in Cambridge I have a pet who is staying with my friend and I was wondering if... well... would you allow me to have her here.

J- no, I'm sorry but I don't allow pets in my house, they cause too much trouble. With this one sentence my heart shatters and I turn to twinnie with 'tears' in my eyes. And he immediately speaks up.

O- with all do respect brother, he says with anything but I think you should allow her to have her fo... pet here.

J- why should I listen to you a young immature sixteen year old boy.

O- because, he starts like a wise old man, cordy doesn't know us, most of our life she hasn't been here and today she lost the people that raised her. As much as I hate to admit this, we haven't been there for her basically her whole life and today she gained us but she also lost everything she new. This pet will help her settle in and provide her with some normality and comfort. As well as this, if you don't allow her pet to come here my twintuition tells me that she will never forgive you and she will never have the optimal relationship with you.  Wow everyone looked shocked at this speech.

N- plus it would be pretty cool to have an animal in this house. Didn't know this boy could talk but he is definitely my second favourite brother, he just earned him some points.

C- I notice James turn to look at me so I force my eyes to well up more and a stray tear to fall as I whisper out one word with my voice cracking...

J- fine, just make sure you control it, don't let her get in the way. Do you have a way to get her here or do you need one of us to organise it.

C- thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me and no thank you, my friend will have her Brought  over here.

J- mkay, It seems you've had a tiresome and stressful day so why don't you go and get a good night's rest and we'll talk about rules in the morning. Owen, take her to room and you don't need to come back down.

Me and Owen get up and are almost at the door when James speaks don't think I didn't notice niether of you touched your food.

With that we quickly exit and I thank Owen for convincing james to allow candypearl to come and he told me he knew my tears where fake. After he dropped me at my room I called Shannon(renamed) and she said that she would send someone with my fox who should be here by morning tomorrow.

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