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I kicked the door open, cuz why not. To say the teacher was pissed would be the understatement of the century, I mean she turned red as a tomato or red bell pepper. fun. I looked at her innocently with a friendly smile and small wave as my new classmates snickered.

What gives you the right to disrupt my class she said angrily in a sarcastic tone. Rude, for all she knows I could be a murderer, oh wait, I am.

I'm new, if you check I should be on your register by the name Cordelia Golding I smirked, didn't know it was possible to go strawberry red to paper white In 0.2 seconds.

Uuummm wh-why d-don't yoou int-roduce your-self t-to the classs. She stammers out

Sure, I'm Cordelia, don't get in my way or you'll regret it.  Don't hit on me or you'll probably end up dead but that's up to my brothers, not me. Also don't talk about me behind my back because apparently no one in America knows how to fucking whisper. God save the Queen. I say in a 'warm', 'kind' and 'soft' tone not threatening at all.  After, with everyone sitting silently in their seats, I go and sit at the back of the room and put my headphones in playing Hazard by Richard Marx.

All my lessons up to lunch passed like this and now I'm in the queue to get food. Honestly, it doesn't look that bad, nothing that ketchup won't fix. As I get to the till I grab my purse and realise I left my card at home and I haven't exchanged my change for dollars yet so I queued for nothing. Just when I think all hope is lost, a muscular arm, a hand with a card, reaches over me and pays for my food. It better be for me not them.

I turned around and am slightly shocked to see Alexander was the one who payed for my food and all he does is wink when I thank him and guide me to my brothers table. As we approach Owen and Nathan both pull me into a hug and I sit on the left of Owen and the right of Alexander so we can share the food.

I don't mean to sound stereotypical but this is exactly what I imagined an American school would be like. The problem is my brothers don't sound English as they lived here most their lives so I've got people coming up to me asking me to say stuff. It's so frustrating, I don't know how many times I've been asked to say 'bottle of water', 'aluminium', 'vitamin' and 'cup of tea'. Like you wouldn't be asking if you talked properly, it English mate.

Seriously though, people are so dramatic and have a need for drama, speaking of which I have a small group of girls with... questionable fashion choices coming towards me and I can already tell I'm gonna get pissed off.

Ooh look, it's that slut, she's hanging with the Golding brothers and all their friends, I wouldn't be surprised if she had fucked them all already. Some bitch speaks. I think she needs a mirror, maybe an STI check as well.

Fuck of, I'm not in the mood for bullshit right now. I couldn't care less. I reply like an emotionless statue while my brothers and Alexander glare at her.

Why? Scared what we are saying is true. Actually no, I'm scared I might get blood on my shirt.

No, bugger of. I vaguely say really wanting her to hit me so I can beat the shit out of her.

Oh look she's got nothing to say, pathetic. Sooo original.

Be warned, I'm saying this once more and once more only, get the fuck out of my sight before you get dragged away in a body bag or ambulance. Not even joking and it would be pretty funny.

Yeah right, all your good for is whoring around. Wow, I wonder where she gets these amazing lines.

There is only one slag here and that's you, why can't I just enjoy a lunch with my bros without someone accusing me of incest. I speak as I feel what I think is Dr pepper being poured on me, such a waste but it'll do.

Don't say I didn't warn you. I speak lowly and grab her hand before she could move to slap me.

I let go of her hand and uppercut her jaw then kick her chest so she falls to the ground. She tries and fails to hit me as I straddle 😉 her and start punching her face. She sadly has fallen unconscious ; it just makes it boring that I cant hear her cry for help, oh well

By the time I'm so very rudely  pulled off of her, my hands do have blood on them but more makeup than anything else. There is layers piled on her face like it never gets wiped off, I swear some of it is starting to turn mouldy. No joke - it's green.

Anyway the person holding me isn't putting me down, not that I'm complaining because it's Alexander. He smells nice, like battenberg, candyfloss and wine gums with a hint of
Love hearts. Aww, now I'm hungry again. But not for food. Wait, yes I am, food is life and life is food.


Apparently it's 'wrong' to beat someone up cuz I'm currently sitting in the principals office waiting for my parents to arrive. On my defence, she started it and I don't think she can be classed as human more of a makeup pallet, that should be her new name pallet.

The only reason Principal Hawes is pissed is because pallet is his daughter - I totally can't see where she gets it from, he is such a nice man. I think there Is something wrong with his eyes because he has been staring at me for the past 5 minutes, it's sorta creepy.

I hear the door open and in walks dad with a proud smirk and mum with a scowl?

PP- principle pisshead
D- dad
M- mum
S- sexy/me

D- what was urgent that I had to be called out of important meetings. Father spoke with a cold tone and a glare at the principle.

PP- your daughter beat up Harley he actually named his daughter Harley Hawes, haha with no reason and now she is in hospital. He spat out, stupid man. And dad gasped dramatically with his hand over his heart like it is the most terrifying thing he had ever heard.

D- Did you do this darling he spoke with convincing fake seriousness and a wink telling me to say no.

S- how could you ask me that, of course I didn't. This is my first day, I've never heard of, or met this girl until I got called here. I whimpered out with tears welling in my eyes and dad gave me a subtle thumbs up.

PP- she lying, you can't actually believe this. The barstard spoke, does he have a death wish.

M- I agree with him, it sounds like something she would do, always looking for attention. Mum said with disgust to which me and dad both looked at her in shock. She has been acting awfully strange.

D- didn't you hear, she didn't do it, nothing happened here today apart from a girl tragically fell down some stairs and a principle might have lost his job. Dad said and the principle started shaking and nodding yes.

Dad lead me out the room with his arm around my shoulders as he turned to mum don't contradict me in public, it's all well and good at home but you never know who might be listening and that could make me seem vulnerable and weak if my own family turns on me. Dad spoke with seriousness and mum just rolled her eyes and walked away. What is up with her, she better not be cheating again I heard dad whisper to himself and my eyes slightly widen in shock.

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