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It's been a few weeks since I started school and it's been going pretty good, well as good as school can be. Today I feel great, don't know why but I don't want it to end.

After letting candypearl out and feeding her I grab my speakers and play wake me up by wham and scream the lyrics to it to wake everyone up. I'm so nice, I know. When everyone comes down they glare at me But don't say anything, don't know why. Suddenly I get a weird feeling something gonna go down today but ignor it because I actually feel good even though its morning.

---------later that day-------

It's lunch and that weird feeling only got stronger throughout the day especially now since the boys had to suddenly leave school for an emergency.

You know what fuck it, I'm leaving. I go to the front of the school and climb over the gates, yes gates they lock us in like a bloody prison, and start walking home.

I'm being followed, there is 2 guys behind me and a van, totally not obvious right. I try to look casual and take some candyfloss out my bag because if something happens I want to be well fed. The closer we get to the house the more nervous I get. I see a man come from an alleyway and realise that there are probably a lot more so I drop my candyfloss, never thought I'd do that RIP, and take of into a sprint.

More people start coming, no matter how much faster I run, no matter where I turn they are there. Soon I realise I have no idea where I am but I keep running then I realise I just went straight into a trap. Guns surround me and I know I stand no chance against 20 men. I put my hands behind my head and look each person in the eyes individually.

Hey now why don't you let me go and ill forget this happened, no one needs to get hurt. I'm just a young girl what could you possibly want with me. No? Well it was worth a shot, your all stupid wankas and I will make sure yoou annd youur famiily'ss allll haavee verry paiinvul detshsss urfghfsgts I say and toward the end of my little speech my words slur and i realise someone injected me with something. And now darkness.

I wake up in a damp, moldy, bloody room but on the brightside there is a toilet and only my leg is chained. I think now is a good time to fill you in on my past.

I said Brian and John my kidnappers never hurt me but that doesn't mean they didn't pay people too. Part of my training was to undergo mafia torture so they made me kill a load of people from the French mafia and they got a little mad, kidnapped me, Tortured me and killed me. When I was there, everyday when I didn't talk they would drown me then bring me back and the toucher mainly consisted of whipping until I managed to escape one day but the scars mental and physical will always be here and they never stopped looking for me. Guess they found me now and I know it's the French by the flag on the door plaque.

They could have also kidnapped me because my brothers are the leaders of the English mafia and their biggest rivals, it being me was probably just a bonus. I know I could escape from here but if I wait for my brothers this could be ended once and for all.

My thoughts get brocken by the creak of the door.

(FD - french mafia Don)

FD-Hello Coredlia,its been a while. He spoke with the same annoying voice I remember.

Sup pimp, it has been a while but not nearly long enough. I reply, maybe I should shut up.

FD-Yes well... We don't always get what we want. I guess you already know why your here and Don't worry you wont be leaving here alive like last time, or in one piece. He spoke like I give a shit.

Bring it on bitch I say, probably not the smartest thing when I see torture devices being rolled into the room.

FD- Guards get the camera and call her brothers, I want them to see and enjoy this as much as I do. Fuck. This shit gonna hurt.

The Mafias Missing DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now