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⚠️Just a heads up this one will have torture and will probably be indepth so if this makes you uncomfortable or anything like that, dont read this chapter. ⚠️

It's been, well, I don't know how long now but the pain and torture won't stop. I have become good at hiding my physical pain but this is taking so much out of me to not show it and I'm nearing my breaking point.

This is for your own good. I hope you know this so you understand why I have too be more extreme. The French mafia Don/ dickface said with a sick grin on his face. I'm not sure it can get worse he's whipped, cut, drowned, burnt, stabbed me and so much more. Most of the cuts except on my face will never heal, he always said my face was too pretty to ruin. My hands are bloody from him caning my knuckles and every other finger is missing a nail.  The floor is painted red and I know my back is open and raw, I don't say this often but I'm getting a bit scared, my brothers should have been here by now,  they should have found me.

If you haven't noticed, dickface has a thing for drowning and water not only for that but the animals it holds. He has tanks the size of an average house filled with aquatic creatures; his favourite kind of torture. I've never experienced it but I know it's coming.

He leads me to a room with a massive tank inside, in the tank there is the main section with a few small harmless fish then all around the edges there are cages with vicious, poisonous and dangerous sea creatures. From what I can see there are Jellyfish, pufferfish, stingrays, red lionfish, candiru, moray and electric eels but there are also many other and I'm sure deadly fish that have devastating effects.

At this point my throat is so dry talking will be its own torture, all I can do is stare and hope my brothers suddenly get really good timing. I feel two of his guards take my arms and I try too fight but the blood loss and lack of food have made me weak. They chain me to a heavy metal chair and put me on the ledge of the aquarium waiting for dickfaces order. Please, no I whisper out hoping he has some decency in him but I know better.

As soon as he raises his hand I feel the rush of the cold water hit me sending my body into mild shock  since its so cold. I look up to him and see his face showing fear and that's when I hear it the gunshots, they are here but it may be too late.

Dickface presses some buttons and jellyfish get released, soon I feel the sting of one around my back and my legs, the intensity of the pain  constantly increases to unbearable lengths and  added on to my earlier injuries and how weak I am just made the pain umimaginable. I don't know how but I feel the chains release me; it almost makes it worse because physically the movement means there is more space for more fish and also my body twisting in ways that makes wounds grow and split bigger, mentally it's worse because I'm free but I'm trapped and confined I can't escape and I know I never will. This will be my end.

He presses more buttons as gunshots sound louder and closer - all the cages open. As If at once I feel pain so immense it feels unreal and I let out what would have been a blood curdling scream had I not been submerged underwater. I know this is the end, they were too late, I'm going too die again but this time I won't come back again.

At this point the water is filling my lungs, all I can hear is a high pitched ringing and all I see is the once peaceful blue water now red from my blood. I feel the water start to fall away from me and my body hit the ground, the last thing I see before I black out is max shooting the glass of the fish tank. They came but they were too late, just a bit too late

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