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After a night of peaceful sleep I get woken up to a high pitch squeal - Owen.

I lazily drag myself out of bed and to breakfast and the whole family is already there. Honestly I can't be bothered to listen so I just eat my bacon toasties in silence until something catches my attention. Some of my cousins friends and my brothers friends from when they lived here are coming over. Great, more people.

As instructed by a mysterious person, I can't remember who, I go upstairs and put a single piece swim costume on since we are going to the beach. I didn't go for a bikini since I don't want all my scars and bruises on display.

When I reach downstairs nobody is here and I see a note on the door.

sorry our friends arrived and you were taking to long so we left. Come down to the beach when you are ready. 
Love everyone Xxx

I wasn't that long.

As I walk down to the beach I see them all and start to feel nervous for some reason. The closer I got, the more nervous I feel.

Hades runs over too me and as I look out at the sea I see some fish and start getting flashbacks. No no no. I feel my self start to panic because I know what Hades is going to do and I was right. He throws me over his sticky, sandy shoulder and runs towards the sea. The closer we get the more I struggle and I can't seem to breath but I can feel the tears start to fall.

I make eye contact with one of their friends, who may I add is super hot, and give him a pleading look of help to which he seems to understand as he takes of into a sprint in my direction.

I feel the waves hit my skin bringing back those fresh memories and suddenly it's like I've forgotten how to swim. No matter how much I move my arms and legs I can't reach the surface. I don't know which way is up and I can feel the current start to carry me towards the ocean as my oxygen starts to run out. It feels like I'm in chains again trying to escape when I feel arms grab me and pull me out the water bridal style. It's that guy.

I look into his eyes and start to feel some unknown emotion as I start to cry. He holds me closer and I immediately wrap my arms  around him whilst sobbing thinking back to that day. He starts whispering In my ear telling me it's going to be okay and just calming things as I hear some of my brothers telling him to stop touching me and obviously he ignores them.  He starts carrying me inside and when people notice that I'm crying they stop shouting at him and follow us asking if I'm okay.

Honestly I don't actually want to see them. I know it might sound harsh but I was having a panic attack and crying when I was thrown in the water, When I was In the water I was drowning and the only one to notice is the guy holding me. Again he is the only one to notice that all the talking is making it worse and me to panic more.

He kisses my forehead sorry princess he says and covers my ears. SHUT UP all of you, a blind person could tell she's not okay. Get out, it's obvious you aren't helping. With my ears covered I can't hear a lot anyway but he lowers his voice and says something that I couldn't understand which made them all pale and leave which is surprising since they are the most powerful mafia. Or so I thought.

After they leave he softly smiles at me with admiration and affection? In his eyes.  He starts talking to me to distract me and I learn his name is Alexander and he is the Head of the Spanish mafia. He knows what happened to me because he was actually the one to find my location, not my brothers, not my parents but a guy I'd never met who was In a different country. He holds so much authority yet he is so young. He's 3 months older than me so he is 17.

I start to feel drowsy so I feel him lift me and take me to my room. I get placed in my bed and when I think he's left I feel him get in beside me and hold me close. I think I might have a small crush on him.

The Mafias Missing DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now