Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I groan in pain as I peel my eyes open painfully. With a quick look around I see that I'm on a bus but nothing is right. The bus seems to be on its side and the horrid smell of iron fills my nostrils. I see other people on the bus but all are bloodied and limp. I painfully try to push myself into a sitting position but stop crying out as pain flares through my arm.

I look at my right arm seeing half a dozen pieces of glass stuck deep in my skin. I look down towards my leg, my knee cut from glass but my ankle bruised and twisted the wrong way.

Using my good arm I grab the seat ahead of me and painfully pull myself up till I'm standing, relying soley on my one good leg.

I painfully hobble towards the front of the bus, leaning all my wait on the bus seats until I get to the front, the windsheild cracked and the bus driver nowhere in sight. I look at the radio thinking maybe I can call for help but it's destroyed.

Getting an idea I painfully sit down and slam my good foot against the windsheild over and over until it shatters. I painfully crawl out of the bus, the rain instantly soaking me and the mud on the dirt road staining my clothes and skin.

I roll myself onto my back and close my eyes as the rain hits my face feeling my body consciousness slowly drifting away, barely even feeling my body slowly being dragged.


I gasp awake, pain engulfing my whole body. I bite down on my tonge forcing myself to not scream out in pain.

I look around realizing that I don't recognize anything or remember how I got here. My breathing panics more as I realize that I don't even remember my own name. Was the thing with the bus a bad dream or real? If so where am I? Did someone kidnap me? Why can't I remember anything?

I look at my right arm seeing it's bandaged but my wrist is also handcuffed to the bedpost. I pull at it weakly since any movement made my body flare up in even more pain.

I slowly realize that the only clothes I'm wearing are a pair of shorts that I know aren't mine. I don't know how I know, I just do.

I pull the blanket up over my chest more as the door opens and a man comes in carrying a tray with a glass of water and a pill bottle on it. "I see you're awake finally."

He comes over to the nightstand clicking the lamp on and I see he looks around my age, even though I don't remember how old I am either. He wears a yellow hoodie and black jeans with converses.

"W-Who are you? Where am I? Who am I? W-W-What is happening?"

"Woah woah calm down. First things first." He sets the tray down on the nightstand before he takes some keys out of his pocket and unlocks my wrist from the hand cuff. "My name is Bill. You are in my house. You're name is Dipper Pines and what's happening is you are healing up under my care."

"Healing up from what? And how do you know my name?"

"There was a bad accident, you were the only survivor. And I know your name because your wallet was in your pocket when I found you."

".....c-can I see it?"

"Sure." He opens the nightstand and pulls out a wallet that has symbols drawn on it. I vaguely remember the symbols from video games I think. He flips the wallet open and shows a driver's liscence with my name and picture on it. "See?"

"But why does everything hurt?" He puts the wallet back.

"You were in pretty bad shape. Glass in your arm, ankle nearly broken."

"I want to go home."

"And I would like to take you home but the truth is neither of us know where you live. Considering the fact that you asked what your name was, I'm guessing you don't have any memories or at least very few memories."

"Then at least take me to a hospital."

"The hospital would just do what I'm doing now. Look, I have medical experiance. Just let me get you healed up enough so you aren't in pain and can walk on your own. Once you're all better, then I'll drive you into town and take you to the police so that they can properly help you. Sound good?"

"Yeah I guess."


He picks up the pill bottle opening it up. "What are those?"

"Painkillers. Don't worry, they aren't narcotics or anything addictive."

He hands me the pills which I put in my mouth. He leans my head up helping me drink some of the water to help the pills go down before setting the water back on the nightstand. "Get some rest. Just shout for me if you need anything." He clicks the lamp off and leaves, closing the door behind him.

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