Chapter 9

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(Dipper pov)

I grit my teeth in anger as I stare at this stupid laptop. Why is a four letter password so fucking hard to guess?

I enter another passwork only for the screen to go red. "W-Wait what?! It's going to delete everything!" It starts counting down from 5 minutes. "No! Noonono! I'm gonna lose everything?! I only have one more try?!"

The world goes black and white. In a yellow flash, that three sided freak appears laughing.

"Well, well, well. Someone's looking desperate."

"I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"I can help you kid." He holds out his hand, it becoming engulfed in blue flames. "You just need to hear out my demands."

"Uh, what crazy thing do you want anyway? To eat my soul? To rip out my teeth? Are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something?"

"Yeesh, kid, relax. All I want is a puppet."

"A puppet? What are you playing at?"

"Everyone loves puppets. And it looks to me that you've got a surplus."

"I don't know. Mabel worked really hard on these."

"Seems to me one little puppet is a small price to pay to learn all the secrets of the universe. Besides, what's your sister done for you, lately? How many times have you sacrificed for her, huh? And when has she ever returned the favor?"

I glance out the window seeing her and her friends playing with some of the puppets they made over the past few days.

"Tick tock, kid."

"Uh, just one puppet? Fine!" I shake his hand, the fire feeling warm and tingly but surprisingly it doesn't burn me. "So what puppet are you gonna pick, anyway?"

"Hm...eenie meanie minie....YOU"

"What?!" He pulls on me hard and without explanation I get pulled out of my body and it slumps lifeless against the ground. I put my hand through my now transparent form floating in the air as panic rushes through me. "This can't be happening! What did you do to my body?!"

My body rises to its feet with a smile that is unnaturally too wide and yellow glowing eyes with cat like slits.


I scream as I wake up, sitting up on the couch breathing heavily. "This can't be happening this can't be happening...."

The glowing eyes was exactly like the memory of Bill taking me after the bus crash. That means he is the triangle thing I saw in my latest memory. But just what the actual fuck is he?

I look at my ankle it nearly all healed now. I walk with a small limp but at least I can get around on my own. I have to get out of here while he's still upstairs asleep.

Getting up I limp towards the door pulling at the doorknob but it won't even move.

I limp to the kitchen trying the back door but that doorknob won't budge either.

Instead I try the windows but all of them are nailed down just like the ones upstairs.

"Morning Pinetree." I freeze hearing him behind me. Turning around I brab a glass off the counter and throw it at him, him barely managing to dodge it. "What the fuck!"

"Stay the hell away from me!"

"Dipper please just calm down."

"Get away!" I throw anything breakable I can until I run out then I grab the biggest knife I can get my hands on, pointing it at Bill.

"Dipper just calm down please and tell me what all of this is about."

"You fucking pulled me out of my body! Just what the fucking hell are you?!"

I see him sigh and slowly take a step towards me. "Please put that down so I can explain."

"You stay the fucking hell away and you had better explain."

"My full name is Bill Cipher. I'm a dream demon."

"A what?"

"Dream demon. I could enter people's dreams. I wasn't from this world, I destroyed my own reality and tried to take over this one. That is why your family hates me. When your great uncle was fresh out of college he wanted to know why Gravity Falls was so weird. I tried tricking him into building a portal that would let me get into your world. But he figured out what I was trying to do."

"But what about you taking me out of my body?"

"That was the second time we met. The first time I made a deal with someone to try and get something out of your grat uncle Stan's head. You and your sister stopped me. The second time you were desperate to get answers from a computer that would lead you to a man you were looking for all summer."

"How old was I?"

"You were only 12. I tricked you so I could use your body to destroy the computer you were trying to crack and a journal you had been obsessed over all summer. Your sister stopped me and you got your body back but very injured."

"Was that the last time we met?"

"No. The next time we met was when I used your sister to cause the literal end of the world without her knowing. You went through hell to save your family, and in the end it was your great uncle Stan who sacraficed the most in order to try and defeat me. He had his mind wiped while I was inside of it."

"Then how are you here?"

"You and your sister helped him regain his memories so I came back. But I wasn't strong enough to take my usual form so I instead made a human form. Doing so got rid of my powers. But the only problem with it was that because I had changed species I had to deal with side effects. That was why my eye bleeds. It's like when a werewolf changes forms, it hurts like a fucking bitch."

"So everything you told me about your family was just a fucking lie?"

"I had to tell you something so you would trust me?"


"Because when I became human I got flooded with emotions. I was filled with regret for what I did to you and wanted to make things right but I didn't know how. Until I was driving out late and saw the bus crash. I recognized you instantly because of your hat. I thought for sure everyone else had died and that you would die before help could come."

"So that's why you brought me here? To help me like you said?"

"Yes. It wasn't until the next day that I saw on the news about other survivors including your sister. But I still had to find a way to make up for what I did but I couldn't do that if you didn't remember anything."

"So have you just been waiting for me to remember you?"

"I waited until you could remember enough for me to explain without it over loading your brain." He stands in front of me and gently takes the knife out of my hands.

" what?"

"You can walk again. So I will hold up my end of the deal and take you to the hospital for proper care."

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