Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I slowly peel my eyes open, rain hitting my face and everything hurting. The wet grass slips through my fingers as something or someone drags me. The ground turns from the paved road to the rough and uneven ground. In the corner of my vision I see trees stretching towards the sky. I recognize the smell of wet pine from when Stan would have us stay inside the Shack if it was too wet to explore outside. He would teach us how to gamble.

I groan softly and whoever is dragging me lets go of my ankles and comes into my field of vision. I can see his right eye is bleeding, the rain mixing with the blood on his face. I whimper in fear trying to kick him away but he just gently holds down my ankles so I can't, being careful of my right one that feels like it could be broken. "Shh shh calm down. I won't hurt you I promise."

"Mable....m-my sister where....where is she...." I look around trying to spot her but I can't see anything and everytime I move my head darkness creeps into my vision again making me whine in pain.

"She's fine. Don't worry I already called for an ambulance to help her and everyone else on that bus." He kneels down next to me and gently makes my head face forward. "Don't move. You might have strained something in your neck during the crash. Hell knows your ankle is already fucked."

"Who are you?"

He gives a small smile as he pets my hair. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. I promise, Pinetree."

That name sends chills down my spine and my worst fear is only confirmed when his bleeding eye glows a soft yellow.

"Bill f-f-fucking Cipher......" I spit out the name in fear and like it's venom.

"You always were the smart one."

Standing up he grabs my ankles again dragging me further into the woods. I kick and scream trying to get away from him. "No no let me go! Someone please help!"

He let's go and gets on top of me putting a hand over my mouth muffing my screams. "Shh. Hush. No one is going to hurt you. Now, I am going to have you go back to sleep and we can talk more about this when you wake up. I just need you to calm down first." I try to push him away as he taps his finger against my forehead and everything goes dark.


I wake up, my wrist sore and aching from being handcuffed to the bed all night. Was that a memory or just a bad dream? I had a dream about the bus crash when I first woke up here but that ended up being something that actually happened. So maybe I am slowly getting my memories back. But if so, that means I know Bill from somewhere else. And however I know him, it isn't good. I could feel the fear his name gave me. I was comfortable with him there until he said that stupid nickname. Why does he call me that? How does he know me?

I sit up as the bedroom door opens and he walks in with a tray of breakfast and a glass of water. "Morning, Pinetree." This time the eyepatch is gone and he's wearing ripped jeans and a red hoodie with the eye symbol in the middle.

"Why do you call me that?" He just shrugs and puts the tray on the nightstand. He takes a pill bottle out of his pocket opening it and takes out two pills.

"Open up, Pinetree."

"I don't want them."

"Come on you know that these help."

"I'm not in pain now. I don't want them."

"Okay. They are here if you change your mind." He sets the pills on the tray and puts the tray on my lap.

"Can you please unlock the handcuff? I'm not going anywhere, I can't walk and my wrist hurts."

"Hm....just for now." Getting the key out of his pocket he unlocks it. I rub my wrist, it bruised since the handcuff had been too tight. He pulls a chair up next to the bed. "How did you sleep."

"I don't know.....did we ever meet before the crash?"

"What makes you think we did?"

"I thik I'm getting my memories back. I was being dragged and it was you. You were kind and said you had called for an ambulance to help everyone else on the bus. But as soon as you called me that stupid name, I was scared. Like I knew who you were. I even said your name. And then yesterday you made a comment like we had history together."

".....we have met. More then once. But none of our encounters were anything good."

"What do you mean?"

"It's difficult to explain, especially with you only having fragments of your memory currently." He stands up putting the chair back before coming over to the bed again. "How about we just have a nice relaxing day together here? I can go into town and rent a movie. I can also grab some popcorn and some soda as well. That sound like something you'll like?"

"Y-yeah, sure...." I mumble still not sure how I feel about this guy or if he was trustworthy. On one hand he did lie about anyone else surviving the crash and even in that memory I was scared of him. Not to mention the fact he won't let me leave, won't take me to a hospital or police station. But on the other hand he called the ambulance that saved the other people. And he's taken care of me, been gentle with me. Has fed and dressed me and has helped treat my injuries.

"I will be back soon." He leaves the room and I hear the door lock from the other side before his footsteps fade and I hear his car pull away.

I set the tray next to me and swinging my legs off the bed I grab the crutches off the wall. He must have put them there sometime last night after I fell asleep.

Using the crutches I get up and make my way over to the door trying to get it open with no luck.

I instead go over to the one window and try to open it. The way that the house is set up, if I managed to get out this window I would be able to get on the roof of the first floor. But just like the door it won't budge. It isn't until I take a closer look that I realized he nailed this window down.

"Think, Dipper, think. He won't be gone long. There has got to be a way out of here." I glance between the crutches and the window before getting an idea.

Putting one of the crutches against the wall, I manage to keep all weight on my good ankle. I hold the crutch in two hands as I slam it against the window. At first it doesn't do anything so I do it again and I see a crack appear on the window. Even if I'm not that strong, I do this enough times and the window will break.

I keep slamming it against the window over and over until the glass finally shatters. I grab the other crutch and put them both on the roof before grabbbing a blanket off the bed and putting it over the windowsill so I won't cut myself on any glass. After doing that I make my way onto the roof.

Once on the roof I look for a way off of it safely but there isn't really one and the forest stretches so car that I can't even make out where the closest town would be. I can kind of see the road that Bill uses to get to his driveway to by my best estimation I can guess where the town will be. Only problem is by the time I get to that road he will probably be coming up the driveway again.

The best thing I can do is cut through the forest and hope that I am right about where the town is.

I toss the crutches off the roof before I lower myself off it, till I'm just dangling from the roof holding onto the gutter. "This is going to fucking suck." I let go of the gutter and as soon as my feet hit the ground, a loud snap goes through my right ankle and the pain sends me on my back screaming in pain and holding my ankle.

Fighting through the pain I manage to get up grabbing the crutches. I take a few deep breathes trying to ignore the pain from my now probably broken ankle as I make my way through the miles and miles of pinetrees.

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