Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

5 months later

I sit on my bed reading a book, hearing Mable downstairs watching tv. She woke up from the coma a few weeks ago and seems to just picked up where she left off before the accident.

Meanwhile I still feel like a stranger around my own family. I am getting memories back, but I am also still missing years worth of memories. Ford tried having me see a therapist to see if that would help but the therapist just kept making me frustrated more about my missing memories. More then anything I miss Bill. I remember fully what he did to me and my family when I was 12 but I don't care about that anymore. He helped me when he didn't have to. That's all that really matters to me.

"Kid, I need you to come here for a second."

Closing my book I make my way downstairs to the gift shop where Stan is working the cash register. "Yeah, Stan?"

"Your sister was making sweaters that use actual electricity so we're out of lightbulbs again. Can you run to the store and grab some?" He hands me a debit card. "The pin is your birthday."

"Why would the pin be...." I trail off as I look at the card seeing it has my name on it. "This....this has my name...."

"You're an adult, you should be able to spend money like an adult instead of carrying around a piggy bank like Mabel does."

"But I never set up a bank account."

"I did for you. It has a few hundred in it so not a whole lot but enough for nessecities you might need."

"Thanks Stan." I put it in my wallet and go to leave when he stops me one more time.

"You will also need this." He tosses me a key ring with one key attached but I know the key isn't for his car.

"What is this for?"

"Check the shed on the south end of the parking lot. You'll thank me later."

I give him a quizzical look before I go to the door pulling on my sneakers and jacket. Grabbing my backpack I head outside.

Walking over to the shed I open it and am surprised to find a motorcycle. Not just any plain motorcycle either, it's a Yamaha R6. This thing isn't cheap either, it costs thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars. It's way out of Stan's usual budget.

I go over to it picking up a helmet that was on the handlebars smiling slightly. "Thanks Stan."

Strapping the helmet on I take the motorcycle out of the shed before climbing on it, kicking up the kickstand and putting the key into the ignition starting it up glad that it starts up with no trouble at all.

About a month ago Stan was telling me about an old motorcycle he had when he was my age that he stole from someone. I have a vague memory of me being 16 and him teaching me the basics on how to ride one.

I drive it to town weaving in between cars before I park it outside the store putting down the kickstand and turning it off.

Taking the helmet off I set it on the handlebars before going into the store.

I walk around looking for lightbulbs, now sure what kind or brand Stan wanted when my shoulder brushes against someone elses. "My bad." I say turning to look at who I bumped into only to be surprised seeing it's Bill. "Bill?"

He smiles a bit once he sees it's me. "It's good to see you again Pinetree."

"What are you doing here?"

"The lightbulb in my kitchen burned out so I came to buy some new ones. What about you?"

"Stan needed me to buy some. Mable used all of his for an art craft."

"Sounds like a dangerous art craft. I am glad to hear that she's doing fine though. I will leave you to it."

He starts to walk away and I can't stop myself from what happens next. "Bill wait."

He turns to me giving me a quizzical look. "Yeah?"

"I really like you. Like I like like you and if you don't care about me the same way then I totally get that it's just I wouldn't be able to go on knowing that I had the chance to do it a-and I didn't and-"

He abruptly stops me as his lips connect with mine, his hands holding my face in his hands. He pulls away from the kiss, his cheeks red as he smiles down at me.

"You talk too much sometimes." He mutters before kissing me again. My hands grasp at his sweatshirt as I close my eyes kissing him back.

The End

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