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The two girls had gone to bed but both hadn't been able to sleep of the reaks of embarrassment that they just had barely talked but they just did "it" then suddenly a grumble comes from the both of them...

Kokomi asks in a question "Hey K-Kujou Sara ah no Sara perhaps are you hungry?
Sara replies "ahm...yes I am a bit I have not been able to sleep I have much of a empty stomach..what about you..Kokomi"  "how about we go to the place we were gonna go to till- 'that'it's still pretty early," "ah- yes let's go ahead and eat"

"Lady's I will be your waiter for today I'm- KOKOMI? LADY KUJOU SARA?! I mean- *cough!* what a coincidence would you guys like some beers, wine or the new couples cocktail we have?"

Kokomi in shock that he, Gorou first work at the area she had in mind and second that he talked about a COUPLES COCKTAIL (this is now Kokomi's mind) she won't want that right??? She's to much of a upperclassman that she wouldn't want that!!

"Ah Kokomi? Do you want to get the couples cocktail I really don't care ah G-Gorou right?"
"Yes ma'am?"
"How much alcohol does it have?"
"Eh 65% i would say I'm not to sure to be straightly honest my lady."
"Ah Kokomi if your not a drinker or a lightweight we don't have to get it unless you don't want the couples cocktail-"
"YES WE CAN GET IT ITS FINE! I mean uhm yes we can get it I'm not a lightweight don't worry."
"Alright a couples cocktail and some water and y'all's orders"
Both of their minds who's gonna drink first at i is she do we drink together what if the straws attached to eachother uGHhuGs

They find out it's just normal and they enjoy it but someone gets woozy after some time..

"So I was like ...heh *hic!* no! You do your orders! *hic!*"
"Sara you should've told me you were a lightweight!"
"Cmon I got you"
"Waaah *hic*"
They get in the car Kokomi puts Sara in her seat and goes to hers but then....

Hi! Hope you enjoyed yes I left on a cliffhanger but don't worry it'll get yk what y'all want it but I have a question fellow viewers after this shall I go back to Yae x Ei? Or you want 2-3 more chapters of this and then back?

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