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It had been just a few days after the mall date, it had so embarrassing for Ayaka she didn't know how she'd react to see Yoimiya again. She didn't know how her body would react to it but suddenly..

Yoimiya's mind:
Oh jeez it has been so long since I've seen Ayaka! (It had been 3 days) I hope she isn't get upset that the last time we met we had.. oh gosh! It was lovely, she hasn't even texted me! I'll stop by the Kamisato Commission ! Oh and get her some lovely flowers!

She headed to her beloveds Commission with flowers in hand and she knocked on the door.

Thoma had opened the door and said "Oh Yoimiya those are lovely flowers they remind me of..oh! Is she why you're here? Why don't you come in to give it to her?" Yoimiya out of joy said "YES! Oh sorry yes! I'd like to give these to her we haven't seen eachother in a while so I wanted to give her a warm vibe i don't know?" Thoma responded "it's fine go ahead she is in where she usually is." (The room she's in when you first get to talk to her) Yoimiya said "why thank you Thoma!"

She headed to Ayaka's room and knocked the room.

"Ayaka! It's me Yoimiya, it's been a whi-"

Ayaka quickly opened the door and pulled Yoimiya in and closed the door.

"Y-Yoimiya! I-I um..my sincere apologies!" She had said. Yoimiya quickly a bit dizzy but stood up straight and gave Ayaka the flowers and said "Don't be sorry it's a little awkward for me too, but I felt like it had been a while and these flowers reminded me of you so here." Ayaka happily grabbed them and saw Yoimiya red. "Yoimiya..Thank you these are lovely..so are your clothing.."  Yoimiya quickly responded "I- um thank you, Ayaka, I'm sorry for what happened the other day I- I lost control! And your body intertwined with mine- Yoimiya was cut by Ayaka from Ayaka kissing Yoimiya with her tongue inserted.

Yoimiya's mind : holy crap! She's bold! I thought she wouldn't have done this I thought I'd stay always starting something. I love her so much, Her taste is amazing i want her other tastes too. I wonder if that's why she had told me my clothes had looked lovely.

Yoimiya had gave in and they had been making out Ayaka suddenly had started to take off Yoimiyas clothing, she was very touch starved and wanted a touch of her liking. By the time they stopped the kiss Yoimiya's clothing was almost all off she only needed her bottom clothing but Ayaka decided to play with her beloveds breast before anything so she grabbed Yoimiyas hand put Yoimiya on her bed and started to suck her crush is breast. "Mmh! A-Ayaka wait! Ahm ♡︎!"
Ayaka responded to those sounds by going to the next breast and telling her "theirs so much more I want from you Yoimiya..ever since that day I've been wanting more." And she went to licking the other breast. "Oh? Seems like your breast have gotten hard little pinch won't hurt~" she started to bite and suck Yoimiya's breast. "Ah~ Ayaka your very bold~ in here? Where you can get caught?!" Ayaka stopped playing with her loved's breast and said "what about you? They'll see that the sweet innocent girl is getting her body played with by another girl~ we both have reputations but I never get out your always out~ imagine someone hears or even watch~" Ayaka went to touch Yoimiya's sweet area and touched it and said "oh? Did you imagine it who would've thought you liked someone hearing or watching~" Yoimiya jumped and gasped and said "I-it's not that!!" She said stuttering and blushing.

Ayaka without taking off Yoimiya's clothing only her panties she put her head in and inserted her tongue in. "Ah! S-stop I-it feels weird! Haah~!" Ayaka started to move her tongue around tasting the sweetness. Yoimiya looked and saw a head with beautiful blue clothing and hair in her pants and saw it as erotic abs was twitching and moaning till.. Thoma had said "Lady's! Food is done!" And was entering the room when he entered he had said "oh..how cute I'll leave you two be." He had saw them on a bed pretending to sleep together little did he know, that they had done more them just sleep together they giggled a bit and slept because they were nervous to get caught.


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