Itll be while.

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"Gorou! Gorou!!!" A pink haired lady said, "GOROUUUUUU!!" The lady said again "HUH NO I DONT WANT TO BE MS.HINA AGAAINNN!" Gorou had said when he had woken up. "Huh? Gorou! I-I need help and advice!" Kokomi had said, Gorou responded "with what? How'd it go with Sara? Is she who you need help with?"

They started going to the commission.

"Yes! I- I never got to confess and I don't know how I should go with it!"

"Huh? You didn't confess?! What have you've been doing?!"


Kokomi's mind : No way I can say we hit it off three times ! He'll think we're sex partners! I mean I guess we are? I don't know!"

"Hmm? didn't come back till late yesterday..don't tell me!"

"Y-yes! It happened three times! The time you saw us at the restaurant was the second! I don't know how to face her eachtime I do I remember!"

"Oh my, My lady you are less of a innocent woman I thought you were, how about you practice with me?"

"I couldn't do that could I?"

"If it helps you, you can do it! Besides...I-I don't like you like that.."

"Ah, well I think it could help me, maybe. *sigh I really like you, I have since we've spoken. Your really nice and hardworking, I like a lot about you. Could we be more then just company partners."

"A-ah wow that was good ! Do you think you could do it infront of her?"

Gorou turns Kokomi for her to see Sara walking away from them with her hands in her own arms.

"N-no way! Maybe? Could we practice more later?"

"Y-yeah! Try talking to her today! It won't be good if you guys be awkward!"

"Thank you so much Gorou! This is why your my best friend!"

"Hah yeah, now go!"

He gives her a push to Sara and she runs to Sara and waves bye to Gorou.

"Heyyy! Sara!"

Sara does with her face then turns back smiling.

"H-hey Kokomi, uhm how've you been?"

Sara with her eyes watery tells Kokomi

"Hey, um I think we should stop seeing eachother, I mean you have other things to do and we're only partners from the commmissons. I enjoyed it but I think we should focus more on our work, could we go back to how we used to?"

Kokomi was dead silent her hands going to a fist said

"Y-yeah we're only company partners, with conditions but not anymore. It's fine,  someone needs me right now I'll see you Kujou Sara.

She walked away and started running and crying back to her office and closed the door and laid right in front of it and stayed down crying.


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