It was a try

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Yae had felt that Ei and her hadn't done any dates yet since her return, so she had proposed a night movie outside (idk what it's called but they screen a movie outside and it's like a picnic movie) Ei had agreed and they had gotten their items and decided to head to it.

Yae : "Im so glad you decided to accept! We haven't gone to date yet so i wanted to do this for the first you get to see the stars and the movie!"
Ei:"Im aware Yae Im glad I came too all we've been doing is...extraordinary things."
Yae blushed and continues "a-ah y-yes that to"
Ei:"anyway, what movie are we gonna see?"
Yae: "oh we're watching ***** I heard it's a action movie"
Ei: "ah alright let's enjoy it since we're here let's pick a spot and eat as it's about to start soon"

They pick and eat as the movie starts

It was action but something was romance between women. It excited Yae much more as Ei, Yae had wanted to do it right then there but their was people around, such as teens she held back. Suddenly they both heard tongue kissing right next to them, But they tried to ignore it.

The movie ended and Yae had started the next conversation.

Yae: "i didn't realize there would be such romance.."
Ei: "ha I didn't either especially between woman but it's a new world I don't think people care"
Yae: "ah y-yes between woman.."
Ei: " what about it? can't believe they were kissing with people around."
Yae "y-yeah"

Ei had realized that she was excited by it and she had made it worse from saying about how they did it infront of people She had decided to play with her sweet a bit and knew where to head.

Ei: "Yae..are you interested in doing it outside? People hearing and watching?"
Yae: m-me?! N-no that'd be...naughty"

She grabbed Yaes hand and was heading a new direction

It was a love hotel.

It's short I apologize for that but it's probably my longest Yae x Miko chapter because i knew they were very short but next chapter might come soon, it's up to you guys, give it love <3

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