What a day

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Ayaka sat in her room thinking for her lover and their past dates, when she has thought of those nights.

At first she was embarrassed to think about it, Yoimiya has been the only person she's been so imitate with. She start to rub her pillow between her thighs thinking about Yoimiya is those states. Her area throbing but Ayaka had realized what she had been doing. And decided to stop and make it reality. She wanted to Yoimiya to make her feel good. So she texted Yoimiya.

Ayaka: Hey Yoimiya !! <3

Yoimiya: Hey Ayaka :)

Ayaka: I was wondering if your free tomorrow?

Yoimiya: Yeah, yeah I am Ill be free at 3 tomorrow. Wanna hang at my place?

Ayaka: Of course !! That's what I was thinking!

Yoimiya: Soooo see you tomorrow?

Ayaka: Yeah, See you tomorrow

The hangout had been set, Ayaka couldn't wait for tomorrow afternoon. She even went to sleep early for it. The next day she had used the whole day to get ready. She was very excited for what was to come.


The time had came Ayaka had gone to Yoimiya's house. Yoimiya had opened the door and they began to talk.

"Hey! Ayaka, come in!"

"Thank you for having me!"

"Let's go to my room it might be a little messy though"

"That's alright I don't mind"

As they went into Yoimiyas room and Ayaka locked the door behind her. They talked for a while and while Yoimiya was talking she saw Ayaka stare into her eyes and It made Yoimiya to stop talking. Ayaka had gotten up and got on Yoimiya (where they could face eachother.) Yoimiya had looked up at Ayaka and Ayaka grabbed her face and said "I want you to touch me a lot today. I want your warmth, may you touch me?" Yoimiya touched Ayakas waist and pulled her in and they started kissed. They kissed for a long while their tougues all over eachother some saliva was on Ayaka when they ended. Yoimiya began to unbutton Ayakas shirt and she saw her beloveds breast and became to touch them with her bra. Ayaka moaned a little, Yoimiya stopped to hug Ayaka, Ayaka didn't realize why until she felt her bra coming off. Once her bra was fully off Yoimiya started to suck her lovers breast and Ayaka began to moan. Yoimiya sucked, bit, and groped Ayaka's breast. Yoimiya put her hands down to Ayakas waist and bent her arm so she could go under Ayaka's pants. As Yoimiya was unbuttoning Ayakas pants slowly, Ayaka put her finger in her mouth and her legs were shaking she had been wanting this for a while. Yoimiya finally go it all off and she started to rub her beloveds area. Ayaka put her hands on Yoimiya because she was beginning to twitch everywhere. Yoimiya kept rubbing and suddenly her two finger went in. Yoimiya surprised and was very focused on Ayakas area she didn't realize Ayaka was moaning a ton already. Yoimiya when she heard she grabbed Ayaka while thrusting into her, Ayaka was very loud "Ah! Ahm! Y-oimiya we're haaah are we g-going?" Yoimiya replied and had said "to your bed so I can make you feel better. Ayaka felt her loves fingers thrusting in so fast she could barely breathe. Ayaka moaned loudly and climaxed. Yoimiya took out her fingers and kissed her beloveds face. "You were really hot today.

Guys sorry if this is kinda sloppy it was kinda written with 10% motivation so sorry about that. I'm back again! Kokosara is next!! As their story continues of angst. Yes I know now that the chapters are mixed up at that part but "Not Intended" goes before "It'll be a while" so sorry if I got anyone mixed up and confused about that. Hope everyone is having a good day and if you guys want comment to me about your day I'm reply back!! :)

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