Not intended

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Our child is such a sweetheart, Ei had said while the child had been playing with toys and her baby sitter. Yes she very much is she is 5 years old now. She growing very fast. The kind and kindred fox had said.

(The time laps does not affect the other side parts of this writing.)

The Archon has responded as they had said goodbye to their child and baby sitter and headed in the car. "oh she has indeed, with so many duties we don't get to see her often the through the day, but at least she's happy with her baby sitter." Yae smiled and said "well today is our free day, but I've longed to feel a feeling once again, it's been so long. Ei confused had replied "what do mean? What feeling have you been longing for ? Are you not happy?" Yae had laughed and kissed Ei "No, I am happy but a feeling you haven't given me in a while, you know, that feeling down there." Yae had pointed at Ei's private area as they were in the car. Ei had blushed and stuttered "w-well..t-the child!...and you know.."

Yae grabbed Ei's face they had eye contact with Ei's hot face and Yae had kissed her with her tongue tasting every part of Ei's mouth with Ei's little moans. As they kissed Yae had made Ei get on top of her and Ei had laid on Yae. Soon they had ended their kiss, breathing heavily Yae had held Ei's thighs and squeezed them then she had touched around her beautiful archons body soon taking off her top clothing and making a hickey on her neck. Yae kissed down to Ei's breast, and began to grope them. Ei looked up with her hand infront of her mouth trying to keep her moans. Yae had started to kiss and lick her beloveds breast and started moving her leg up and down so Ei would feel her fox is thigh going up and down on her sweet area. Up and down, up and down, Ei had started moaning a lot more then she had already been "a-ah! Ahh~" Yae had been making hickeys on Ei's breast and groping each one every time. Shortly after Yae had felt something wet on her. The Raiden Shogun had been soaking her bottom clothing by climaxing. Yae had stopped and smiled up at Ei while Ei was embarrassed. Yae had said "cute, someone has been holding it for a while huh? I'm sure this kitty wants some attention, it's not over yet." Yae starts caressing Ei's thighs and Ei starts to shake a ton, Yae starts to take off her lovely girlfriends bottom clothing off and sees how wet she had been and so she starts to rub her beloveds sweet area. Ei looks down and Yae is so interested in and has Ei flustered with her hand infront of her mouth again looking at Yae's movements. And soon enough Yae's finger goes in the sweet area with ease. Ei has moaned "mmh...mhm~ ah!" Yae looks up and Ei and says "look how easily it went it your so dirty I could put another see?" Yae puts another finger and it goes in again. "MMH!" Ei had moaned as Yae started to thrust her two fingers and pushed them up. Yae used her other hand to play with Ei's breast that the hand slowly went to Ei's face and Yae made Ei's face come to hers and they began to kiss. Yae devouring Ei and thrusting faster by the minute. Ei moaning in Yae's mouth as Yae had been kissing Ei and touching Ei in two areas. Ei couldn't handle it and climaxed. Yae ended the kiss took her fingers out and licked them and put them back in Ei so Yae could have all of Ei is juices.

GUYS IM BACK!!! Did you miss me? Missed the smut? Here I came with a good one ! <3
Comment if you want more! Ayamiya is next!

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