Chapter 45 Nightmares

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Goku rustled in bed realizing he was all alone in the darkness till he noticed some mysterious figure stood out there in the distance, "who is that" Goku whispered underneath his breath. The figure slowly started walking toward him and Goku knew he had to move fast but he couldn't something was keeping him from going anywhere, it was like his body was paralyzed from the waist down. "I have to get out of here, I need to get back to Vegeta in my cub" Goku said as he tried to break free from whatever was stopping him from moving. The figure stopped as it got close enough and Goku started to realize it looked like someone he knows they spiky black hair, with strong bronze skin and bulky muscles and he had that irresistible grin that Goku could never get past, it was Vegeta his one and only mate. The only weird thing is Goku didnt understand why he was there and where was there cub, he stood there puzzled and confused till the figure that looked like his beloved mate said something he could hardly believe was true.

Kakarot I'm leaving you, I dont think it's going to work I'm sorry I cant ever get Bulma out of my head so I think it's for the best that go on our own separate ways for now, I'll still be there for our cub but I dont think we should be together anymore. Vegeta said as he kissed the new found figure beside him that appeared out of knowhere, she looked exactly like Bulma. You see Kakarot I never loved you I thought I did but it was all just lust and a mistake nothing more, Goodbye Goku. Vegeta said in a stern voice, leaving his recent pregnant mate in tears. 

Goku watched his mate wrap his arms around Bulma and start walking away  into the darkness as the darkness starts to swallow them Goku starts to call for his mate to come back, with Vegeta not listening he begins to hyperventilate with all the tears he had shed. As Vegeta completely Vanishes, Goku starts to have flash back of his moments with Vegeta, after they were all over Goku gives into the darkness and collapses onto the cold dark floor.

"Kaka! Wake up!" Vegeta tried waking his mate but it didnt work, he couldn't stand seeing his mate cry, Vegeta slowly places his lips on his mates to see if that would wake him up just like it woke up sleeping beauty once upon a time.

Gokus eyes slowly fluttered open and his vision became completely clear into view, "Vegeta is that you" Goku asked as his voice trembled since he's been crying. "Of course it's me, who else would I be?" "I thought you left me for her" Goku replied. "For who?" Vegeta asked in confusion. "For Bulma" Goku said as he rolled his puffy eyes. "I would never leave you for her, why would you think that." Vegeta asked. "Because in my dream you did and you left me alone with our cubs." Goku said in a stern tone. "Well it was just a dream, I would never do that. "Vegeta finishes as he pulls his mate into a warm embrace.

"I love you Kaka more then anything in world, I would go through hell and back for you and our cub" Goku smiled as he held onto his mate tightly afraid to let go. After a few minutes of silence Vegeta realses Goku out of the embrace and gets down on one knee. "Kaka will you do me the greatest honor and marry this prince." Vegeta had pulled out a ring (the same ring that his mate through at him before) and Goku was now in tears he was so happy he didnt know how to react so he said all he could at the moment "yes I'll marry you my prince" Vegeta smiled and picked Goku up and swinged him around for a bit. 

It wasnt long till they heard the baby cry and they both filled with laughter.

"I better go see if she needs her diaper changed" Goku said walking away with a smile. "Wait Kaka I have to put the ring on you first." Goku stopped and stared as Vegeta slid the ring on his ring finger. They both smiled at that moment both lost in each other eyes and in thought.

It was the most happiest moment in there life besides the cub being born.

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