Chapter 21 To The Lookout

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My life was like that for a long time till I met you Kaka!

Wait Kaka!


I need to find him before its to late.....

Meanwhile back at Capsule Corp something was going on in the lab

Bulma: Lets check you out Goku

Goku: how is it

Bulma : your darling baby is perfectly healthy

Goku : good, I was starting to worry

Bulma : how about I cook something up to eat

Goku : sounds great 

Bulma : Im glad I will go start dinner

Goku: wait what about Vegeta!

Bulma : oh! Goku 

Goku: forget the food, Im going to go look for him

Bulma : but Goku

Goku: I need him

Bulma : you could get hurt 

Goku: I don't care

Bulma : the baby Goku, think a about your child

Goku: damn it! ( she's right I have to keep the baby safe )

Bulma: Im sorry Goku 

Goku: V.. Vegeta ( sobs)

Bulma:Oh Goku!  ( Vegeta he really needs you)

Vegeta: Kaka where are you!

I need to find him

Goku: Vegeta! ( sobs and yells)

Bulma: poor Goku, I wish there was a way to help him

but how wait!

Goku: ( still sobbing)

Bulma:  that's it we can ask Dende

Yamacha: hey honey Im home

Bulma: can you watch the lab while Im gone

Yamacha : sure honey but why

Bulma : I have to help Goku with something important 

Yamacha: okay If its for our old pal Goku, I'll do it

Bulma: thanks sweetie, I will be back

Goku come on were going to talk to Dende but I need you to use instant transmission.

Goku : * nods* 

Bulma : I promise we will find Vegeta

Goku: thank you Bulma

Bulma : you don't  need to thank me, I owe you for saving me in the past since we were kids

think of this as a way me paying you back.

Goku: allright

Bulma: you ready to go

Goku: yeah 

Bulma : good * holding on to Goku 's arm

Goku: * uses instant transmission to the lookout*

Dende : Goku Bulma

What are you two doing here

Bulma : I need a favor

Dende : sure what is it Bulma

Bulma : do you think you could look for Vegeta

Dende : no problem but why?

Bulma : Gokus been worried sick about him

Dende: I understand, he must be missing his mate

Bulma: how did you know?

Dende : I can sense his uneasiness it must have been eating up at him pretty badly.

Bulma : but how did you know about the mating?

Dende : I can tell by the mark on his neck and the changes in his ki tells me Goku is with child.

Bulma: yep your right about that

Dende : I will do everything I can to find Vegeta

Goku: thank you Dende

Dende : no need for gratitude  my friend 

Its my honor as your guardian and friend to make you happy.

Bulma : do you want to come back home Goku with me

Goku: * shakes his head*

Bulma : can you take care of him for me Dende 

Dende : it would be my honor

Bulma : thank you

Im going to call Yamacha to pick me up.

Dende : come with me Goku, you can stay with me

Goku: * nods and follows*

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