Chapter 36 The Fallen Prince

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Goku rushed after the falling prince to catch him
K...Kaka...Kakarot is that you? Vegeta asked in a low voice
Yes its me
I didn't think I was ever going to see you again Vegeta said with smirk
he watched tears fall out of his mates eyes as he fell.
How is the baby ?
Hes fine Vegeta but you aren't
Hehe thats true Im not in the best shape
Dont worry Vegeta my dad will help us and we can get out of here then we can be a family.
Forget about me Kakarot leave me Im going to die anyway
I can feel my ki start to fade
no Im not leaving you
Vegeta coughs up more blood
What about our little one
he will need a father?
Vegeta stared at his mate while Goku wrapped his arms around his back
I can't be it not in this case, I would be the mother this time
the older sayain chuckled sofly at his mates comment with blood still dripping from his lips.

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