Chapter 10 The Mighty Turles Appears

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The mighty Turles finally made it to Earth to continue his search for his enemy Frieza but to no suprise he found nothing but an old ship destroyed buried deep in the sand.
Turles: it seems that someone has already took care of him for me but who?
Soldier A : Sir we sense in our radar there is 2 sayians here on Earth.
What Turles replied in shock. Where? LOCATE THEM RIGHT AWAY!
Yes sir! the servant soldiers responded back to there master.

I wonder If it could be Kakarot, But who would be the other?
It can't be Radditz because I was told he was dead.
I won't know till I find out but I have to wait.

Back at Goku's house
The young Sayian opened his eyes to find himself held tightly in the arms of his mate the older sayain.
Kaka he said in a whisper while brushing his fingers through his jet black hair nice and slow causing the older sayian to purr.
The Prince smiled at the sound of his lovers cute noise that was coming from him.

The new couple that have just became mates were enjoying there moment together until a sudden shake or rumble in the Earth caused the moment to end. Vegeta was startled by worry of that sign of danger and tried to wake his beloved up by shaking him gently without hurting him. Kaka please wake up Somethings wrong, but that didn't seem to work so he tried a different way to wake him so he kissed Goku softly on the lips hoping it will work and then parted a small giggle came out of his mouth but nothing else happend.

A huge spaceship appeared and landed right in the middle of the entire forest, the Prince flinched at the power level he was sensing it was a brand new one he has never felt before. He started to feel footsteps coming towards the house and that made Vegets tremble of fear for the safety of his mate. I won't let anyhting happen to you Kaka I promise the young sayian said and kissed his fore head then left to go outside to see who it is. All the saw standing before him was mysterious figure with jet black hair covered entire sayain armor from head to toe.

Vegeta stood there frozen in thought HOW! Who is he and why does he look like my Kaka?

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