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A sigh left the pre-teens lips as he finished typing the last few words for his essay that was due in a couple hours.His mom and brother where home- well his Mom was sleep he wasn't sure about Langa. It was 10:56 at the moment and he was usually in bed and asleep by 8:30 sometimes 9:04 but he had to surpass his normal sleeping hours because homework and some class work that he had missed.

The young male sighed again leaning back to stretch in his chair, a yawn following after ( is it weird that every time I type "yawn" I yawn irl-) he then got up from his seat at his desk and started his way to the kitchen. To grab a glass of water and some Melatonin from the cabinet to help him sleep. He usually had sleep problems and probably was sleep deprived but he didn't show any signs of it unless he was probably alone or with his mom. (mommas boy)

He grabbed the bottle of Melatonin from the top shelf and opened the lid with a slight "pop" coming from it. He decided he would swallow 2 instead of 1 so he could sleep in longer. He then grabbed a cup and filled it with water, putting ice-cubes in the water so it could go down easier.( Melatonin pills or any pill probably doesn't go down easier with cold water I honestly don't know because I can't even down a pill irl-)

He put the two pills on his tongue before picking up the cup and putting it to his lips before slowly putting water in his mouth in the process swallowing the 2 pills. After he was done cleaning up he got a quick snack and a gatorade.

Walking back to his room he saw langas light on "weird" he said aloud before swiftly sneaking past his brothers room and farther down the hall into his room.

Walking back to his room he saw langas light on "weird" he said aloud before swiftly sneaking past his brothers room and farther down the hall into his room

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When he finally got into his room he put his snack and drink onto his desk before walking to his closet and putting on something comfortable to sleep in on. After that he grabbed everything he needed and curled up under the warm covers. Getting on his phone while eating. Waiting for the Melatonin effects to kick in.

The effects didn't kick in right away which the boy personally thought was a scam but the pills did work for his sleep disproved body, and within 20 minutes of laying down he fell asleep. Softly snoring while his stomach slightly went up then back down indicting that he was still breathing and ok. 


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