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It was almost a normal Saturday. Hint the word almost, on Saturday's I'm usually at therapy 1:45-3:00pm and mom was usually at work so langa was always home alone on a normal Saturday. But on this particular Saturday I asked mom if I could skip therapy today to "finish school work" which was actually just hanging out in my room all day to sleep.

She said yes of course because she obviously didn't want me to "fail". But I'm only failing one class and that's Spanish (48%) the rest of my classes I had an 78 or above despite always being late to class.

Anyway, Since mom agreed I could stay home and went to work and Langa left somewhere before mom had left I got the whole house to my self.

I smirk devilishly as I sprinted down to the hall to my room grabbing my skates, putting them on I skated to the kitchen grabbing some Ice-cream and a spoon before spinning on my hind wheels while eating the ice-cream.


 I had ate 1 whole ice-cream Container, left over cookies that Mom had made the other day, a slice of a pie, a "little" bit of candy, some cinnamon rolls I found in Langas mini fridge in his room, and some popsicles

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I had ate 1 whole ice-cream Container, left over cookies that Mom had made the other day, a slice of a pie, a "little" bit of candy, some cinnamon rolls I found in Langas mini fridge in his room, and some popsicles.

And I was currently eating some brownies, suddnley I heard keys and then the knob to the front door twist the it swings open gently. I though nothing of it cause I knew it was Langa, but then I heard another pair of foot-steps then a slight gasp. So like any other logical person I looked up.

Seeing a dude with red hair and a head band around his head next to my brother. I put one hand over my mouth and waved at them slightly with the other with my eyes closed like I was giving them a closed eyed smile.

Once I swallowed the brownie that was in my mouth I finally spoke.

R-Reki (maybe)

Y- "who's he?"

L-" uh-... this is Reki, a friend from school, Reki this is my little sweet toothed brother Y/N."

Langa pouted a bit as he introduced us to each other, I guess he didn't want to introduce me to Reki, but it's his fault for leaving before mom.

R-" Hey Y/N"
(He said that with a checky smile- or atleast that's how I'm imagining it)

L-" Why are you here?, today's Saturday."

Y/-" I know, asked mom if I could stay home and she said yea."

Langa raised one of his eyebrows as if saying "what did you say?"

Y/-" I told her I was catching up on work."

Langa sighed a little before grabbing Reki's hand and pulling him down the hall past me, I'm guessing they're going to his room. I shrugged slightly before going back to stuffing my face.


𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚~ ✇[|𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫|]✇Where stories live. Discover now