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𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝-𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 [?]

2 hours had passed, cat boy gave me the medicine and soup he changed my rag that was on my forehead and he even made sure I wasn't to hot or to cold

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2 hours had passed, cat boy gave me the medicine and soup he changed my rag that was on my forehead and he even made sure I wasn't to hot or to cold.

Langa also called within the time frame of the 2 hours and told me over the phone that he was gonna be home around 7pm. That didn't sit right with me because what's more important then your sick brother? Mom can't take care of me because she works until 1am. Langas friend is probably gonna go in a while so I'll basically be trying to take care of myself and very sore body that hurt really bad. I also felt light headed so if I got up I could pass out.

Right now thoughI need to pee, like really really bad. My body hurts though, and I don't wanna call Langas friend...but if I don't get I'm gonna pee myself.

I just noticed I've never gotten his name...
Ok,now is not the time y/n your mission is to get to the bathroom without peeing your pants! I rolled of my bed not so gracefully and landed on my back. I think I hit a pressure point because I couldn't move....
You've got to be kidding me!

This has to take the cake for my most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me!

I was sitting on the couch and was now wearing an oversized shirt that I probably stole from langas closet and some black fuzzy pants that where a little to big for me, which I think mom gave to me or one of my aunts.
I was drying my hair with a towel. What your thinking is a yes. When I got paralyzed my muscles relaxed and-

I'll spare you the details actually. Langas friend who I learned was named Miya had to help me get in and out of the shower because at the time my hands and arms were still paralyzed. I had to sit until me arms started working again It was adventuress to say the and there was a lot of yelling involved. Also no he didn't see anything [Nasty] but at least he wasn't being I guess weird about it though


Miya was sitting on the other couch closest to the tv and was violently typing on his phone, sometimes he would crack a small smile and giggle a little and sometimes he scrunched his eyebrows together or gave his phone a death glare like it did something to him.

I honestly didn't care what he was doing though, my throat was dry and I wanted my phone. My legs where still paralyzed but I could move everything else which makes me a little bit angry.
Ollie: Ollie [Maybe]
L : Langa[Idk]
R: Reki [Maybe]
Miya: Miya[?]

Y: "..., uh do you mind getting me some water and uh maybe my phone"

miya got up unwillingly and went into the kitchen. Grabbing a cup from the cabinet he filled the cup with water and added ice, then he walked out to the living room to give the younger boy the cup. After giving the younger boy a cup and him hastily replying with a "thank you" the ebony haired boy went to the 12 year olds room and grabbed the phone off the bed before walking back to the living room  giving the phone to the other male and sitting back in his seat.

Hello people, I'm back as you can see and I just wanted to come on here to say thanks for 7k reads[ Edit 6/3: it's now 8k 😭]! I didn't expect people to read this book or even like it? Anyways a couple of "small" changes were made, like the cover of the book and the description :) I'm not very proud of that last part of this chapter so I might change it in the future but you guys will get notified when I do change it but that's "if" it'll depend on my mood honestly I also hope these 3 chapters aren't boring to y'all bc it felt boring when I re read it-

Happy pride month as well  🏳️‍🌈

Edit 5/28 ☊✎: y'all I was just fucking freaking out because someone that has a really really really good book that I've read ,saved my book!!!! Bro- they like my book 😩 I'm so happy right now that just made my day !

[ I'm probably not gonna tell y'all who it is unless I talk to them and they give me the "ok", but it's most likely not gonna happen bc I don't like talking to people first it's just my Anxiety is really bad when it comes to talking to people first . I fr fr wouldn't now how to start a convo😺 ]

                               🄽🄴🅇🅃 🅄🄿🄳🄰🅃🄴
                                       𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 31𝐬𝐭, 2022

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