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A lady with blonde hair and revealing clothes waved down a checkered flag signaling for us to go

He let me get a head start and that was probably his worst mistake. I could do a lot on rollerblades i think he was underestimating me.

To put the race simply I won and ended up skating backwards during the whole race basically mocking the blonde haired jerk. I could tell he was embarrassed his ears was red. He was honestly taking the loss like a champ even though he was being cocky earlier, being a good person I am went up to him and held my hand out to shake hi as of saying "good game" since Langa and his friend group were watching and they could hear my voice.

He ended up shaking my hand and I just smiled and nodded at him. He smiled a little but not all the way because I or everyone heard Reki's big mouth yelling about how cool my skating was.

I didn't mind it much and just let go of the blondes hand and skated away. I was going home because in all honesty I felt filthy. (¯―¯٥)


When i first got home I took off my skates and put them back in my closet an pulled out some sleep wear for when i got out the shower. Once I got my clothes I took them to the bathroom and started the shower which I quickly undressed and got in soon after.

The shower felt amazing and when i got back to my room and got in bed I fell asleep faster then I had in year's which says something.


I woke up around 1pm because I forgot to set my alarm since my body was just tired and shut down completely last night.Anyway I got out of bed and picked up my phone that was on my desk then headed to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen/living room mom wasn't no where to be seen and langa was on the couch Reki was over to, I heard them talking but they seemed to stop when I came in and started staring at me?

L- Langa
M- Mom(maybe)
Bf- it means best friend in this story<^Ollie^>



I lifted an eyebrow at them they where for sure hiding something and didn't want me to know and they were fairly bad at hiding it.

Y-" you guys obviously wanna say something so do it"

I saw Reki bit his lip while Langa got out his phone and started typing something into it.

I presumed when he finished typing or whatever and showed me the phone. When I saw what was on the screen I was panicking on the inside! Why were they showing me this,did they figure me out or something close to that! I was so confused and scared!

Next update?

March 31

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