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As me and Avril neared the pet store I got pretty excited

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As me and Avril neared the pet store I got pretty excited. Avril obviously wasn't excited cause he didn't know where we were going but hey, he's a dog. He can't even comprehend the human language. That's ok though, I still love him. I pulled the metal handle on the glass door causing the cold air conditioner to hit my face. Avril trotted in first and I stepped in after him.

I payed no mind to the workers as they looked at me weirdly with all the things I had in my cart. Avril was sitting in the kart on top of a dog bed, a blanket, and some toys. He looked adorable. I was probably in that store for maybe 2 hours, I had fun though and so did Avril.
It was know noon though. After dropping everything I had gotten for Avril at home I took him to the local dog park where I played catch and tug of war with him for the remainder of the day. I also decided I would teach him a couple tricks just for the fun of it.


It was know the next day and I woke up to an empty house. Mom was probably just taking extra shifts like she sometimes does. Langa however had no where to go on this Saturday. I mean I'm not saying that he couldn't be hanging out with friends right know but he would usually tell me or tell mom so she can tell me later, or just leave a note on his door or the kitchen counter where he's going and what time he'd be back.

He definitely didn't tell me anything, mom didn't tell me anything and he certainly didn't leave a note cause I checked already. Since langa oh so kindly didn't tell me where he was going I opted to do the next best thing to find out where my older brother could possibly be.

I looked through my contacts on my phone until I reached a certain one. I pressed the call button and pressed the cold phone against me ear.

The phone rung for a while before he finally answered.

Ollie: Ollie [idk] 
L : Langa[yes]
R: Reki [Maybe]
Miya: Miya[we'll see]

L; hello?
Y; hey, where are you?
L; with friends,why?
Y; you usually leave a note or tell me before hand.
L; I must've forgot.
Y; ???
Y; what's so important that you forget that you have to inform someone in your family were you are going so we don't get worried?
L; nothing, listen I'm sorry but let's talk about this later. I'm busy and can't really talk at the moment.
Y; but you're hanging out with friends yo-

*ʟᴀɴɢᴀ ʜᴀɴɢs ᴜᴘ*

I groaned taking my phone from my ear and throwing myself on the couch. What has been going on lately with him. He never hung up on me like that before unless I was annoying him. I sighed again before picking myself up off the couch to go change.

I decided I would wear some black pants with a long sleeve button down white shirt, with a dark blue vest over it.

[outfit, you can change if you want]

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[outfit, you can change
if you want]

After getting dressed I put on some white sneakers and packed a bag with my phone, the charger, headphones, white roller-skates with blue laces, some gum, and dog treats. I decided I would go to the skatepark with Avril just to skate around .I wasn't gonna be doing any flipping or anything crazy because I can't carry a dog and do all that. Avril would probably be dizzy and that's probably one of the worst things ever.

I grabbed a dark blue bow for Avril and put it on his collar, I then attached his black leash to his collar. Grabbing my lanyard with the house keys then me and Avril headed out the house. I texted mom I'll be out late in case she gets worried that I'm not home when she gets home from work. I didn't say anything about Langa being with his friends because he hung up in my face. Yea I'm petty what about it. He shouldn't have been rude to me over the phone maybe I would've told mom where he was, there was also a chance that he hade already told mom and not me but whatever we'll see what happens.


Ok hé, um so I haven't proofread this chapter so if you see anything that's messed up or isn't spelt right please ignore it I'll be proofreading this chapter October 1st or 2nd. Please don't say anything about there only being one chapter I only had time to do one chapter. I honestly don't know when the next update is gonna be but hopefully at the end of October or the beginning of November :)) anyway have a wonderful rest of your day.

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