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                                𓆙␈𓆙␈𓆙It was know another Friday, I had finished my classes and was know laying down on the couch half way sleep

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It was know another Friday, I had finished my classes and was know laying down on the couch half way sleep. Mom was working overtime today so she would be home until 9:30 and Langa- well I don't know where he is. I recently found out he's been sneaking out at 11:30 at night.

I also found that he was indeed dating the Reki dude that I had met. I learned that mostly because I was listening in on their conversations on the phone and when Reki came over.

The front door opened. I heard it squeak open, I also heard mumbling and whispering. I yawned and stretched in place. Then I heard running down the hall. That's when I popped up fast out my seat.

I assumed that Langa had gotten home so I didn't pay much attention to it.

L- Langa
M- Mom
Bf- it means best friend in this story<^Ollie^>
C-Miya(probably or next chapter)

Y/-"Langa are you Home"


Silence. That's what I heard. I honestly didn't wanna deal with him right now so I laid back on the couch and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

I woke up to the sound of something dropping on the ground.So I rubbed my eyes then sat up yawning. When I turned towards the noise I saw Langa with Reki and a boy with black hair that I didn't recognize .

Y/- "who's that?"

L-"who's who n/n, you must be still tired and seeing things."

I furrowed my eyebrows

Y/-" my eyes are not deceiving me who the hell is he!"

Langa sighed then smacked his hand in his face.

L-"Fine, this is Miya, and stop cussing"

Y/-"That's all you had to say"

I then got up from my spot on the couch grabbing my phone that had fallen on the ground, then headed to my room to get more sleep. But a thought crossed my mind before my eyes shut and I lost consciousness temporarily. " That boy seems very interesting..."

                               ♫ ㋛☻㋛☻㋛ ♫

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                               ♫ ㋛☻㋛☻㋛ ♫

It was the afternoon and pretty windy, guess what I was doing on this windy Saturday.

If you guessed "Racing Ollie in the park" then you are correct. I was winning to, the winner gets to ask the loser to buy anything they want. Yes I mean anything. If I was being honest the only reason Ollie was losing is because they doubted me at the start and I got far ahead. They did manage a little but was still Farley behind. This is good example why you shouldn't underestimate people. Especially a roller skater who has been skating for 5 years know.

I'm stuck between asking for a cinnamon bun or a red velvet cake with nuts on the top (or anything doesn't matter). It just makes my mouth water the more I think about my favorite sweet treats.

I smirked as I reached the make shift finish line. Ollie was panting and practically fighting to get some air. I just smirked at them with a small giggle leaving my lips.

"Remember the agreement~"

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